Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Xavier's POV

"Simone is taking her shit too far. " I muttered as I took a swing of my beer. If mum was here, my ear would be within two of her fingers, and I probably would be grumbling. At the moment, it was the only thing preventing me from approaching Simone.

"Well we thank God Veronica was able to help."Damon stated

"Speaking of Veronica. What's up with you two?"I asked, changing the topic.

"I don't know what you are talking about." Damon took a swing of his drink. He definitely had a thing for Veronica. I'd overheard them talking yesterday and he was...happy. 

"You should ask her out when we get back." I probed. Damon was a particularly handsome guy, you would think he had guts. He was the till death do us apart type. Relationship material. 

"She's busy with school work. I'm sure she wouldn't have time"

"You aren't going to know till you ask her.I think you are scared she will turn you down."

"She probably will." Damon took another swing.

"If its any help, she asked if you'll be here when we were about leaving, and she looked sad that you will be away"


"Xavier." A deep voice resounded and I rolled my eyes, knowing exactly who it was. 

"Father." I replied curtly. We weren't the best of pals, and I was absolutely fine with that.  He was dressed casual, something I was still trying to come to terms with. His usual fatigues was forever embedded in my memory. Along with how shitty a father he is.

"Let's take a walk" He said, ignoring Damon who muttered a greeting.

I held his gaze, deciding whether to go or not. Whenever we were in the same place alone, we ended up yelling at each other. More like I ended up yelling at him because of something he did. 

"Sure." I finally stood up, and followed him. We walked in silence till we were in the middle of mum's garden. She loved the place with all her heart, and I could see why. Colourful flowers were everywhere, it gave the place a look of paradise. I made a mental note of showing Mia the place later in the evening. When the lights were on, it looked even more heavenly. I could imagine how happy she would be. A smile crept up on my face. She was getting to me more and more everyday, and we hadn't even had sex yet.

"You know, your mother always looks youthful whenever she walks in these gardens. Like Regina. " Dad said.

"This is a beautiful place. I'm not surprised. But then again, I doubt you brought me out here to talk about my mother or flowers. So spill it, father. I haven't got all day"

Dad came to an abrupt halt, and turned to me." You won't disrespect me in my own home, Xavier. You're not too old to have you set straight". With that, he turned and begun walking. I scoffed and shook my head.

"You know, I see so much of my young years in you. Very defiant. Bullheaded. Short tempered."I decided not to respond to that as we kept walking. Finally we reached the love benches that sat in the core of the garden. I hated the idea of sitting on it with my father, but there was no use walking when I could sit. I swiped away some leaves and took a seat. Thankfully, dad decided to stand.

"What were you thinking when you asked the young lady to marry you?" I smiled at that. I'd waited for this conversation since we arrived. 

"I was thinking 'this beautiful woman would make a lovely mother to my children and a lovely wife to me." I replied with a smile.

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