Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

Growing up, as a kid, I'd always wanted to be a cop. I loved seeing them in their uniform driving their flashy black and white cars. The thought never occurred to me that I'd get arrested by one.

"Now, everyone stay calm".

I looked closely at them, and trust me when I say I've never seen cops this attractive. Everyone else looked frightened, and before I knew what was going on, the DJ turned up the music once more, and the cops were.....stripping! Stripping! 

"Jesus! Trust Veronica to do this!" I heard Ed yell from somewhere behind as he broke into fits of laughter. As terrified as I was, I couldn't help but laught too. Dressed in just their skimpy ideas of underwears, they danced over to me and practically swept me off my feet and everyone cheered on. I spotted Virginia, Regina, Daniella and more of my college friends.

The identified male strippers put me in a very comfortable chair and handed me a glass of whiskey. I took a sip, made myself comfortable and watched the show play right in front of me. Some female strippers joined out of nowhere and they danced with the male strippers. It all looked like some erotic dance, and everyone was paying rapt attention as the song became a slow song, one I identified as ' if this is love ' by Ruth B. They were trying to convey some sort of message, and it was touching. Everyone was captured by their slow sensual movements to the songs. It almost seemed....heartbreaking. 

From what I could grasp, they were trying to portray a couple who had a lot of things seeping in between, the media, financial status and even family background, the girl must have been of lower status. All these things tested their love, they strived through everything and came back together. I figured this was their twisted way of advising me to never to give up, no matter the circumstance. 

The DJ switched things up and everyone filled up the dance floor. It was fun watching all of them, I knew majority of them, making it less offensive to laugh at their poor dancing skills. 

"Come on! I didn't arrange all this for you to sit down and watch them have all the fun! Get your ass on the dance floor while I get you a drink" Veronica yelled above the music as she approached me. She wasn't wasted yet, but was on the road to Drunkville. Knowing Veronica, she was not going to give up until I surrendered. I stood up lazily and allowed her to drag me up to the dance floor. Nicki Minaj's Megatron was playing, I remember playing that song every single day the whole week it dropped. I decided to be carefree for once. I didn't even mind who I was dancing against.

"Here. Drink this" I grabbed the drink and downed it without even looking at the person who gave it to me. I was caught up enjoying myself, I assumed Veronica sent the person. I downed the content in one gulp, and it felt damn good. Too good actually, my gaze begun wavering, and I could barely focus. There were five copies of everyone, especially the person that latched on to me as I tried to stay on my feet. Those grey eyes were the last things I saw before everything went black.


"And once again, I won. Both of you, pay up"  Jacob announced. Reluctantly, Damon and I produced our wallets and handed him a hundred dollar bill each. It bruised my ego that he was younger than us but still won.

"Soon enough, you won't be the most eligible bachelor anymore". He announced as he pocketed his victory.

"You make it sound like its a curse" I replied with a scoff. I was not surprised though. Jacob was the exact definition of a playboy. He was the 'use them-leave them' kind of guy.

"Duh? Sleeping with the same woman over and over again? It gets boring. Trust me"

"Not when its the right woman." Damon replied from behind us. He handed over a bottle of beer each to both of us.

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