The Bonds We Share

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Thai couldn't sleep. Tossing and turning all night had proved fruitless and as the clock struck midnight, he lost all hope of ever going to sleep. Suddenly without warning, the old wounds on his back flared in pain,his body curling up in hopes of soothing the wave of pain. Like knives, the old wounds on Thai's back stabbed him with the force of memories long forgotten and deeds unforgivable. Hissing in pain,Thai rubbed his back with some salve he found in his bedside drawer. Just as he did so, two shadows slipped into his room. Silent save for the package one of them carried.

 Thai shifted his position on the bed, a signal for the shadows to join him. A draft blew through the room, fluttering the curtains and letting in some moonlight. In the dim light of the moon, Thai's grin met those of Brunei and Singa. "Couldn't sleep either?" he guessed, their nods confirming it. Opening the tin box she brought with her, Singa passed the warm cookies and there they stayed. Just the three of them whispering,teasing,and cuddling well into the dawn. Just like they were kids again.

"Hi Spain! Whatcha doing?" Phil greeted the country with a wave in the park the next day. Indo and Netherlands were trailing behind him and Mal was teasing them mercilessly about it. "Hola Phil,estoy intentando aprender inglés" came the reply for Spain had only started learning and was finding it all too difficult. Lucky for him, Phil understood him just fine and even offered to teach him. Mal,Neth and Indo looked between the two countries, completely oblivious to the situation. "Uhhh...Phil? What in the name of sprinkles is going on?" Mal asked his friend,keeping it cuss free in case any children were in the vacinity.(Or even worse,Britain) Phil looked to his friends and was frankly amused at how hard they were trying. Indo had whipped put his phone and was trying to translate it via Google. Neth was looking over his shoulders and Mal was standing there with a confused expression. "I'm not telling ya!" sticking his tongue out at Mal, Phil playfully crossed his arms in mock defiance. That pretty much started the chase scene of the century.

On the other side of the park, SK,NK and Japan were just chillin by the hot dog cart. It had been a week sice NK had fallen ill and all was going well for the two Korean brothers since then. They had decided to invite Japan to the park that day so that SK could finally confess to Jap. There was one problem though... SK was too chicken to do it. Throughout the meal, NK kept on nudging SK whenever any opportunity arose. SK responded by kicking him under the table. The continuous nudging and kicking slowly caught Japan's attention and she called them out on her second hotdog. "Is something wrong?" both brothers snapped to attention,painfully aware that they probably looked like immature two year olds. NK nudged SK one final time and the latter finally had enough. "Japan, would you like to go out on a date with me...?" shoulders hunching and face blushing, SK laid all his cards on the table. Now it was Japan's turn to turn red and she hurriedly looked down to hide her own blush. "I would like that very much SK-kun" one final nudge from NK sent the new couple off on their first date.

While all that was happening, Russia and America were cutting through the park to get to Britain's mansion. As they went along, the two boys were shamelessly flirting and teasing. "Ame! Wait up!" turning at the sound of his name, Ame was tackled by his younger brother,Canada. Ukraine followed shortly and tried to tackle Russia the same way Nada did to Ame. It went as well as you expected and Ruski ended up tackling his sister instead. The four of them wrestled in the grass, dirtying their clothes but they didn't have a care in the world. "Come on man, Dad expected you an hour ago." Canada helped his brother to his feet. "Really? Wasn't this a shortcut Ruski?" Ame turned to his boyfriend who knew the town only slightly better than him. "Welll...I might've sorta accidentaly read the map wrongly..." Russia replied, trying to pass it off as not that big a deal. Ukraine lightly punched her older brother's shoulders as she giggled at his incompetence. Nada shook his head and grabbed Ame's elbow and "gently" guided him to their dad's apartment. "Easy Nada,I can't see anything!" Ame panicked slightly,having lost his vision 2 years ago. "Oh right! Sorry 'bout that!" Canada apologised,guilt already threatening to drown him. "Nah, no prob lil bro," Ame forgave his brother but placed a hand on his boyfriend's shoulder. "Now lead the way."

Myammar and Vietnam came home late that night, having spent the afternoon at China's house and the evening at Hong Kong's apartment. Creeping into the kitchen,the two girls tried to avoid waking anyone when Cambodia'a voice shattered all hopes of that. "Busted! You guys are soo stuck doing dishes tommorrow!" she whispered yelled from her spot on the kitchen counter,Laos by her side. Myammar and Vietnam glared at their friends when someone else's footsteps caugt all their attention. "I'm going to go on a limb here and guess that Cam and Laos are awake because they wanted to bust Myam and Viet. I mean, why else would you be awake at this unholy hour?!" Singa glared at the four girls, her hair a waterfall on her back. "Come on Singa, you weren't asleep either right? I mean, whose hair looks like it came out of a shampoo commercial when they wake up?" Laos called her bluff. Giggling, the 5 countries continued to whisper banter until a new voice scared the Mickey out of them "Hello ladies, may I ask why are you all out of bed at this untimely hour?" One by one, all the Asean girls turned towards the voice,dread seeping in like sand in an hourglass. "Hi Papa ASEAN..."

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