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Have you ever looked up at the stars and think that there are probably billions of places you could be at that moment but you were there. Just staring up at the stars and the moon as they put on a show just for you. Well, Egypt,Brazil, Poland,Germany, Singapore and Brunei decided to share the moment. The 6 of them even brought Romania, Argentina and Australia with them. They gathered in a campsite from their high school days and began setting up like old times. All the while laughing and reminiscing the times spent back then.

"Remember that time Ger fell on top of Poland and practically caused a domino effect in the whole hallway? Egypt ended up pulling the fire alarm!" Brazil laughed as he laid out the sticks for the fire. "Well of course I did! I was too hot to not trigger the fire alarm!" Egypt joked back as he gathered the marshmellows. As the teasing continued, Singa took a quick glance up at the stars before getting back to helping Romania with the snacks. "They sure are a sight to behold huh?" Romania tilted her head up to the sky and the two women basked in the sheer glory of it all. "Yeah. Makes me feel like a kid all over again" Singa replied as she looked up at the sky again.

"Pick up the pace ladies! We got a tall order of smores and even more unhealthy snacks to make the men here obese!" Poland came up to the pair with a notepad in her hand and a pen behind her ear. Laughing at her, Romania and Singa practically doubled over.Chuckling, Poland joined them and the three ladies got to work.

Sitting around the campfire, the countries began chatting over smores and cookies. "Is it weird how even though it's been years since high school, everyone here except Singa and Bru are still single?" Germany asked as he looked around at the group. Brazil looked around and shrugged his shoulders while faking a pout, "Guess some things never change!" he said as someone called out "Like your IQ bro!" while everyone else laughed it off, Brazil turned to the perpetrator and mocked indignation "Excuse meh? My IQ has changed thank you very much Egypt!" he leaned forward as he bit out the country's name spreading his arms as if inviting him to fight.

"You mean it dropped lower than it was back in high school? Is that even possible?" Egypt called back as he bit into his smore. Even Brazil had to laugh, it was pretty good. "If you'll allow me Gentlemen, I personally think that Germany, Singa and Bru are the only ones who still remember what we learnt in high school." Argentina interjected as she gestured her stick of marshmellows at the three countries. Looking down to hide his blush, Brunei squeezed Singa's hand slightly even as the smaller country puffed out her chest slightly at the praise. Germany just pushed up his glasses and ate another smore.

Australia looked out at the group of countries around him. Smiling, laughing, having fun. Some of them were even teasing each other. It made him feel nostalgic for the times before his body would suddenly combust into flames, the days when he didn't have to be afraid of fire. Chuckling as Brazil and Egypt began bantering again, he felt a slight tug on his shirt sleeve and he saw Poland handing him a smore. Apparently, she had noticed that Aussie had finished his smores a while ago. Smiling at her gratefully, Aussie took a bite of the smore while it was still in her hand. Smacking him lightly, Poland turned back to Germany who was fiddling with the pack of marshmellows confused.

"Alright then, we all know how 'Spin the Bottle' works! I spin the bottle and if it lands on you, you answer my question! Ready?" Brazil called out as he set an empty bottle on the ground. Everyone sat up a little straighter and a little taller( well Singa tried. Girl was too short to even do that) as Brazil spun the bottle. As the tip landed on Egypt, Brazil sat back and thought about his question for a moment. "What's your greatest desire?" all eyes turned to Egypt as the man's face practically glowed with excitement. "To someday own a ferrari and drive 'round town with my jackal in the shotgun seat" Egypt finished off his sentence with a small smirk as he bent down to spin the bottle.

It landed on Brunei and the country braced him self for anything. "So....when's the wedding?" Egypt asked as he rubbed his hands anticipatingly, his eyes on Brunei and Singa's joined hands. Brunei smirked right back at Egypt as he answered, "The same day you pass your driving exam" and applause could be heard from outer space for it was common knowledge that Egypt couldn't pass his driving test for a million dollars.

The game continued and more childish questions and even more childish answers. The funny thing was that through the game,Australia learned more about the countries than he did from the web. Before that moment, he had no idea that Brazil was as passionate about wildlife as he was. It was just his humans that didn't share the same sentiment. Poland had a birthmark the shape of angel wings on her left shoulder and lowered her shirt's sleeve so that everyone could see it. Well.... everyone except Egypt. It took him a while to make out the shape of the wings.

"Ohhh.... no wait, it looks like a duck" as he bent forwards and backwards just to find the wings, everyone got a glimpse of just how flexible the prince of Egypt really was. Not very. Eventually, Brazil managed to convince him to sit back down. Yet as all this was going on, Australia couldn't help but study Singa. Her flag reminded him of something and he didn't know what. A part of him thought he had seen her in school before but another part if him nagged at him and told him that he knew her from somewhere else entirely. He just couldn't remember.

As the game continued late into the night, the wind came in unexpectedly and carressed all the countries occassionally rubbing and playing with their hair.Brunei and Australia both turned to face the wind and in return had their hats knocked off their heads. Egypt and Brazil felt the cooling touch around their neck while Germany and Argentina held on to their scarves. Poland and Romania both closed their eyes as they embraced the wind slowly fluttering their clothes. As the wind reached Singa, her hair was pushed away, revealing her crescent moon shining brightly along with the 5 stars on her flag. When the wind left the campsite, Australia picked up the bottle for the last spin of the night.

As the bottle tip landed on Singa, Australia leaned forward and rested his forearms on his legs so that he was locking gazes with her. "Singa. As you know, my brothers and I are looking for a country with 5 stars on her flag whom we suspect is our sister. My question is...are you my sister?" all was silent as Singa kept her face so painfully neutral. All the other countries except Brunei looked to the ground so as to avoid it all. Brunei kept his head high and clasped his girlfriend's hand reassuringly. Finally, after what felt like hours of painful silence, Singa spoke. "Yes Australia. I'm the country you're searching for. I'm your sister."

Leaping from his seat, Australia embraced Singa and whispered sweet nothings in her ear. "I'm so glad I found you....I have to tell the others!" he whispered repeatedly, hugging her tighter each time he did. Squeezing back once, Singa gently stepped out of the hug and once again interlaced her fingers with Brunei's. "I'm sorry Australia but you can't tell the others. As your sister, I ask that you respect my wishes and keep my secret. Please,"

Sings looked back at her brother, Australia, with a blank expression. "It's been 14 years now Aussie. I can't ruin it for them. For you. 14 years of wonderful memories. I just can't," Australia clenched his teeth and blinked back tears. He understood of course why Singa wouldn't want him to tell anyone and was just glad that he had found her. Smiling up at her, he saw the same sad smile on his sister's face. His sister. Singa had made new memories for herself and though it hurt him not being a part of her story,he would accept it. One last hug later, the two resumed their seats as Brazil put out the campfire.

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