Intimate friends

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China entered his apartment exhausted as hecc. He'd just come back from a 5 hour long meeting that revolved around the probable identities of Britain's supposed daughter. Ame,Nada,Aussie and NZ were pretty determined to find out. Their solution was to find all the countries with more than one star on their flag and interrogate them. When they brought up their plan in the meeting earlier,China and Hong Kong had both slammed their heads against the table.

The four brothers were oblivious though since they were so obbsessed with finding their "long lost sibling". Germany had pointed out that the child in Britain's dreams may not even be his child in the first place. Though harsh,it was neccesary to bring the brothers to their senses. China rubbed his neck as he shuffled to the bathroom and began to undress. "Damn those guys are stubborn though..." he thought as he slid into the near overflowing bathtub. Just as he did,the door to his apartment opened and Vietnam stepped in.

Vietnam looked around the house cautiously, hoping she hadn't disturbed China. When China had given her the keys to his apartment last week,she had attached it to her key ring almost immediately. The two friends visited each other so often that she might as well live with China. Shaking her head to rid herself of such unholy thoughts,she ventured further into the house.

"China? You home?" she called, shattering the calm and silent atmosphere. Hearing a muffled reply coming from the bathroom, Viet slowly made her way there and saw China with his head in the crook of his arms on the edge of the bathtub. His arms were folded and his lower body was hidden as he laid his head and arms on the side of the bathtub. "Hey Viet..." China mumbled into his arms,not bothering to look up. Viet rolled her eyes and crouched down to get a better look at him.(Begone thot!) His hair was wet but he hadn't bothered to shampoo. Well since she was there, Viet supposed she could help out.

China relaxed his shoulders when he felt Viet's fingers run through his hair. She knew that he only ever skipped shampooing when he was either stressed or too tired. As she scrubbed at his scalp, he couldn't help but think that she was more of a sister than a friend. Despite being younger than him, Viet was way more mature and wiser than he was. She knew how to deal with his siblings, how to help him relax and was a good friend in general.

"So,do you wanna talk about the meeting or...?" China groaned into his arms,interrupting Viet. She shook her head ruefully,thinking him more of a cat than a person at the moment. As she continued scrubbing,he released a low noise from the back of his throat that may as well have been a purr. She rolled her eyes, not knowing whether China wanted her to treat him as a person or a cat.

The pair made to the kitchen where they set about making tea. A silent dance,the two complemented each other's movements as they reached over for ingredients and bent to get out the cups. Once it was ready, the two friends chatted in the living room until their cups were well drained and the tea had run out. Both countries made to wash the cockery but Viet was faster and scrubbed the teapot and cups with brutal efficiency. When she returned,she found China sprawled on the couch,his eyes closed and his hands under his head.

Shaking her head,Viet gently woke the sleeping country. "You may want to sleep here now but you'll sorely regret it later," China got up from his position on the couch and let Viet lead him to his bedroom where he fell onto the bed immediately. Viet helped him under the covers and turned off the lights as she left the room. He looked so peaceful that she half expected Indo and Mal to come ruin it all. Closing the door with a soft click, she left the sleeping country to his dreams.

An hour later, Vietnam was gathering her things when her phone vibrated with a call from Laos "Hello? What is it Laos?" she asked as she strapped on her heels. "Martial,Mal,Phil and Indo started a water gun fight? But how?!" Laos refused to give further details and instead promised to tell her when she got home. Viet looked at her phone in confusion when she caught China looking at her in the reflection on her blank screen. He was smirking like he had won a war and was leaning against the doorframe like he had been standing there for a while.

"Need a ride? The bus might be a little delayed today," he offered to drive Viet home as he waved his car keys in the air. Viet nodded her head fervently, her eyes shining with gratitude. As the two friends left the building, the readers began waving fanart in the air. (psst...that's your cue!)

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