Happy Independence Day Singa

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The following chapter is a collaboration with MeganChoo050

Brunei: Psst! Hey Singa! It's midnight and you know what that means right?

Thai and Bru hold up a cake with the words Happy Independence Day on it.

Thai and Bru: Happy Independence Day Lion Cub!

Singa:Awwww... Thanks guys. I really missed this.

Thai:Of course you did, we haven't celebrated together in 5 years.

Brunei: So? Watcha waiting for? Go ahead and choose a song for us to blast.

Singa thinks for a while before grabbing her laptop and started searching.

Singa: How about this?

After watching the video, the three countries look up to see an embarassed Malaysia hiding behind the partially open door.

Mal: Uhhh...Happy Independence Day Singa....I-I'm sorry I should go-


Mal: But I kicked you-

Singa:Did I stutter? Stay here and celebrate with us Malaysia.

And so the four countries celebrated late into the night and as more of their friends caught on, the whole ASEAN family was in Singa's room before the dawn.

Happy Independence Day Singapore

A/N: Thank you for the ideas MeganChoo050 !!!!!❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

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