Nerf Or Nothing

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"Ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to the Nerf War of the century! Whoever wins gets to name a price for the other party to pay! But the question is...are you ready???!!!" Israel held the microphone out to the audience. The roar of the crowd was nearly enough to turn North Korea deaf. Never mind the fact that South Korea was cheering just as loudly as everyone else. Instead, focus on the fact that Philippines had challenged America to a Nerf War in front of all the countries present at the world meeting yesterday.

A risk it was yet a risk he was willing to take apparently. "Now moving on to the teams for today! We've got Philippines,Martial Law, Del Pilar, Indonesia and Malaysia going up against America, Canada, New Zealand, Australia and Russia!!!" Israel announced enthusiastically,ignoring the audience as they cheered after each name was announced. Rubbing his temples from all the noise, North attempted to pull South back down by his short but his brother pulled him up instead and gave him one of the signs that he had spent all day crafting with Japan.

Reading the sign and squinting a little beacuse of all the glitter, North nearly choked when he make out what it said. ❤Kick his nuts Phil!! ❤ Tossing the sign to a side, North sat back down in his seat just as the match was about to start.

Phil double checked his ammo in his gun as he kept an eye out for America. Although Indo already said it was fully loaded, it didn't hurt to check. Yes, it was probably a bad idea to challenge America of all people to a Nerf War but hey, it was going to be worth it. Especially when Ame finds out the price Phil wants him to pay. Shaking his head to regain his focus, Phil readied his shooting arm and carefully began stalking out of the shadows. The rules of the game had been slightly altered in this particular match so that it would make it more challenging for the players involved.

Each team has one sniper and 25 bullets in total. Which equated to 5 bullets per player. If a bullet hits you,that means automatic disqualification and there were no restarts. The winning team would be the one who had the most players left after an hour. Carefully planting his finger on the trigger, Philippines aimed for what looked like Australia's head. Pulling the trigger, he smiled softly as the rubber foam hit the Australian's head. It wasn't like he had anything against the guy but hey, it was Nerf or nothing.

Aussie's loud and colourful curses caught Nada's attention for a brief second before he turned back to his task at hand. Inwardly wincing at the profanities that spilled out of his youngest brother's mouth, Canada tried to resist the urge to call him out like their father would if he heard what Aussie was spewing out.Tightening his grip on the sniper rifle, he tried to focus on one of the shadows that just kept evading his scope.

Finally, that little red dot found its place on Indonesia's forehead. Murmuring a soft apology, Canada pulled the trigger only to watch in horror as Indonesia walked off to one of his teammates leaving the bullet to hit the wall right behind where his head used to be. "Darn it! 4 bullets left..." Canada muttered as he reloaded his rifle. Taking aim once more, he finally managed to hit one of the opponents. (At least...he hoped it was one of the opponents..)

Malaysia rubbed his sore arm as he exited the ring and found Australia sitting on a bench placed outside for the disqualified contestants.Giving him a tiny wave, he took the seat next to him and the pair watched alongside the audience as the match progressed. Hidden cameras placed in the ring offered multiple angles for the audience to watch from and the cameras would change every now and then to provide the perfect experience for the viewers at home.

"Hey...I know this is sudden but...could you tell me about my sister?" Malaysia whipped his hrad back to Australia who was a complete blushing mess. "Sister?!" Mal squeaked out, still unsure of what was happening. " Y-yeah... Singa told me when we went camping with our friends..." Aussie hunched his shoulders and turned away, his face completely red. After a long while, Mal leaned his head against the wall and began the tale of that one roomate who broke the toaster and had to use tongs to take out the burnt piece of bread

Del Pilar resisted the urge to whistle a tune as he took aim and fired a bullet at Canada. The kid may be a good sniper but no one else was watching his back so it made him an easy target. Although...Del made a mental note not to get on Russia's bad side. According to his brothers, he was a monster with a gun and from what Del witnessed, those accounts held true.

Russia had mercilessly disqualified Indo and nearly caught Martial off guard with the way he faked shooting at Phil. On the bright side, the teams were evenly matched with 3 players per side now. Oh wait... Martial just shot NZ. Never mind. Del felt a tap on his shoulder and turned to see Phil with a smirk instead of his usual radiant grin on his face. "The rules never said the positions were fixed...wanna swap places Kuya?" and somewhere in the boys' blood, a war drum picked up a steady beat.

Indonesia huffed as he took his spot next to New Zealand outside the ring. The audience was eating up the match like a bear devouring its prey. Every move the remaining contestants made had the crowd on the edge of their seats but Indo couldn't care any less. Another shot from the screen proved him otherwise though because he was soon on his feet, craning his neck to see who had gotten shot.

You can imagine his surprise when Del Pilar came out of the ring with his head hung low and his shoulders sagging in defeat. Taking a seat next to Canada, the latter immediately began conversing with him, bringing up topics like sniping, the different types of guns and basically any topic that piqued Del's interest. As they continued chatting though, both teams were faintly aware of the four remaining contestants in the ring.

Russia looked over at America who was panting slightly from all the running. Smirking slightly at his boyfriend, Russia allowed himself to rub the smaller one's head. Even in the dimly lit room, Ame's blush was as visible as it was in broad daylight. Battng his arm away, Ame mocked an annoyed expression before trying to get a glimpse of the other team's sniper. Using a torch he found in his pocket, America managed to make out Phil's silhouette in the light.

"Alright Ruski here's the plan. We storm the enemy's base, take out the sniper and force them to treat us all to Mcdonalds later!" Ame's eyes sparkled at the mention of food. Chuckling softly at his boyfriend's antics, Russia checked his ammo before slowly realising one itty bitty complication. "I only have one cartridge left Ame. We'll have to trade guns so that you can make the last shot count." Nodding his head in agreement, the pair switched weapons as they made a mad dash to the tower where Martial Law and Philippines were exprcting them.

Martial narrowed his eyes as the war drum-his heartbeat-filled his eardrums. It had been a mistake not to shoot Russia or America earlier in the game but they had to make do with what they got. Checking his gun, Martial realised with no small amount of dread that he only had two cartridges left. Which left him with two choices.

One, use one cartridges for each of the two and risk them shooting him while he reloaded his gun. Or one cartrdge to take one of them out and let the other one shoot him before... As Ame and Russia neared the base, Martial chose a third option. Go down like the warriors in the legends of old.

Gunshot after gunshot sounded and Phil looked over his shoulder to see Martial shoot Russia only for Ame to shoot him afterwards. Hissing in faint annoyance, Phil whirled around, his grip on the rifle tighter than ever before. America stared him down with his pistol in hand. For a moment, the war drum's beat deafened Phil and his blood became a roaring wave of crimson in his veins as he came to the sweet,sweet realisation.

America had no bullets left.

With a smile so wild, so feral that one would forget who they were even looking at, Philippines pulled the trigger.

"Ladies and gentlemen! Give it up for our winner, Philippines!!!" Israel announced to the cheers of the crowd. Phil was slightly embarrassed and kept pushing the credit to his teammates. Despite these attempts though, the crowd still cheered for him even as Israel motioned for them to quiet down.

"Alright Phil, what price do you want America to pay?" Ame took one glance at Phil and he knew precisely what Phil wanted from him. "I want a confession America. Tell me. Who killed my father, Katipunan?" his eyes were filled with hate and rage, so different from the joy that had been there less than a minute ago.

Hating the way his voice shook as he spoke, America paid the price asked of him. Looking towards the audience, he raised his voice so that no one would be mistaken when he said "I did it. I killed Katipunan."

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