The Blood In Our Veins

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Brunei leaned back into his chair and rubbed his eyes. Checking the clock,he realised with no small amount of dread that he had only an hour until his appointment with Britain. Turning back to the spreadsheet in front of him,he crunched a few more numbers as a shadow slinked into his room. Slumping back in his chair,Brunei felt Singa's hands on his shoulders as the two of them looked over the impressive sheet laid out on his desk. "What are you up to Master?" Brunei looked up at his lover and twisted his chair so that he was facing her. His eyes widened at the sight of Singa in an over sized shirt with seemingly no pants under it.(let alone undergarments)"Uhhh...." Singa smirked teasingly and slipped onto his lap in one fluid motion.

"What's wrong? Was my performance last night not up to standards?" she asked,cocking her head to one side. At this point,Brunei was as red as chilli sauce. "I-uh-I-mean..." Singa chuckled and made to the door,eyes locked with Brunei as she did. Along the way,she made sure that his eyes were where she wanted them to be."If you'd like, we can have an encore when you get back," Singa teased,bowing as she left. Brunei was left staring at the open door with his huge erection.

"OH MY GOD!! Y-YOU'RE SO- HA!" Thai laughed at his friend as they drove to Britain's manor. When Thai heard the lewd noises last night, he thought it was Viet watching porn again. But to find out it was his best friends...oh, he wished he had found out earlier! "Sh-shut up Thai!" Brunei turned away from his "tormentor" if only to hide his blush. Thai chuckled softly,still amused by how Brunei turned out to be bottom instead of Singa. "By the way, why does Britain want to meet you instead of Singa? She is his kid right?" Thai steered the conversation to another matter.

"According to Israel,Britain completely forgot that Singa was ever his kid after that accident 14 years ago. When I told Singa, she only said that it was probably for the best that he didn't remember her." Brunei answered,painfully aware that he was technically meeting with his girlfriend's father. As Thai pulled into the driveway, the two boys saw Australia and New Zealand playing in the front yard. Squeezing Brunei's shoulder, Thai sent him off like a general sending off a soldier to war.

"Good afternoon sir, if I may ask,how do you fare?" Brunei greeted Britain as he was led into the study where the powerful country awaited him. As the british man rose, Brunei quickly noted the bags under the older man's eyes and the slightly unkempt hair. " Hello Brunei, I'm doing well and what of you? Smooth sailing in the Asean household I hope?" he greeted back, the two men shaking hands over the desk that seperated them from the other.

"As smooth as you'd expect sir." Brunei answered truthfully. I mean, if you live with MalPhilIndo,there would be no such thing as smooth sailing. As the two men sat down, Brunei noticed Britain twiddling his fingers,a habit Singa inherited from her father. She only ever did that when she was nervous and Brunei supposed the same was true for Britain. "Brunei, the reason I called you was because...I needed your help."

Britain looked back at the young man that sat across him. Cool,calm,collected. If he thought it was odd that Britain was asking for help,he didn't show it. Good. "I've been having dreams lately. A young girl, alone on a beach, looking at me with the saddest eyes. I try to reach out but whenever I do, I'm stabbed awake by guilt for who knows what. I've tried talking to France but she doesn't know anything about it. Perhaps you know something about it?" Britain looked up at Brunei imploringly,not knowing how similar he looked to his daughter in that instant.

Brunei cocked his head to the side, a habit he picked up from Singa. "Could you perhaps describe the child sir?" he asked,his voice holding curiosity and...dread? Now Britain just had to know who the girl was. "Her flag is red and white with a crescent moon and 5 stars on the top half of her flag,"

Struggling to keep his features neutral, Brunei tried to suppress the sudden panic that flared up inside him. Were Britain's memories of Singa returning? Unfortunately for him, Britain was quick to catch the look of recognition that flickered in his eyes. "So you do know her? Could you tell me who she is and why she looked so sad in the dreams?" finally, he was about to receive the answers he'd been looking for the past few months! Britain's eyes lit up with anticipation,so much like Singa's.

Regaining his composure, Brunei considered his words carefully so as to not give the older man false hope. "I know who she is sir,but I'm afraid that I can't tell you where or who she is. I fully believe that she'll tell you once she deems herself ready." Britain's eyes dimmed a little but he nodded in understanding nevertheless. "I understand,Brunei. Thank you for your time," dismissing him, Britain turned back to the papers scattered across the desk and grasped his hair despairingly.

"So? How did it go? Did you give him a hard time?" Singa greeted her partner as she helped remove his coat and tie. Brunei smiled softly at her, his hands automatically finding their way around her waist. She was still wearing that over sized shirt but at least she was wearing undergarments this time. Sitting her on the couch,he told her about the meeting. About Britain's memories possibly returning. About her father's state. Twiddling her fingers, Singa met his eyes and Brunei smiled when he saw that familiar determination in her eyes.

"If his memories are coming back,then let them come. He owes me that much." Brunei nuzzled her forehead,grateful that majority of the household had plans that day. Scooping her up damsel style,Brunei carried her up to his room where they left all their worries at the doorstep. "Now about that encore..." soon enough,their clothes joined their worries at the doorstep.

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