Height woes

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"Gather 'round everybody! We're going to see how tall our little lion cub has grown~!" Laos sang as she entered the living room with a measuring tape and ruler in hand. Thailand and Asean poked their heads out of the kitchen while everyone else just turned from their spots on the couch,carpet and Brunei's lap. (I think you know who sat there...) "Oh right! It's been 5 years since we all took our heights anyway!" Phil exclaimed in excitement even as he died in Mario Smash Bros. "Sounds like a good idea,what do you say Lion Cub?" Brunei asked his partner. Singa looked back at him,her eyes sparkling with anticipation. "Let's do it!!"

Laos pulled up a stool and got on top of it as everyone else lined up. Thailand stiod by her side with a chalk in his hands. "Alright then! First up, Mr Asean please!" a game they played everytime they took their height. The living room became a height and weight centre and everyone present were only there for their height. "Now let's see... 182 cm or exactly 6ft! Your turn Brunei!" awed murmurs followed this and Thailand make the necessary markings. "152 cm or exactly 5 ft! Your turn Cam!" one by one all the countries had their height taken until only Singa was left. "Alright Singa,your up!" As Singa stood against the wall, she closed her eyes, silently praying that she had put on similar growth spurts to that of her friends. "Uh...Singa? You only grew one cm." Laos broke the news to her, immediately sending everyone else into fits of laughter. "Wait what?!" Singa turned to face the wall and indeed over the course of 5 years, the South Eastern Lion had only grown 1 cm. "Gnaw man! I was so sure I had grown taller!" Singa fake pouted, sending everyone else into another fit of laughter. Even Asean caved in and snickered behind his hand.

Later, Cambodia and Singa were seen cruising along the road while belting Disney songs at the top of their lungs. "INTO THE UNKNOWN! INTO THE UNKNOWN! INTO THE UNKNoOoOWn!" that last note had the two girls cracking up even as they stopped at the traffic light. The two of them had been trusted by Thailand to get the necessary groceries from the market downtown. The reason being and I quote, "You two are the only ones in the house who didn't get banned from the market other than Brunei and Myammar but those two got lost there too many times." Once the two countries reached their destination, they ditched their map for a shopping list and got straight down to business.

"Brocolli? Check. Carrots? Check. Tuna? Check. Everything else that I don't remember? Check!" Singa finished the list with a flourish as she and Cambodia made to the check out counter. Cam took one look around the store and got the pair first service at a counter that apparently,didn't have any customers. "I'll start the bike. You okay with this?" Cam checked with Singa before heading towards her beloved motorbike. "No problem Cammie!" Singa assured her friend. Unfortunately, it didn't work but Cam was forced to leave her there anyway.

"Sorry kid but you have to be 18 and above to buy anything here." the counter clerk greeted Singa with an...unusual greeting. "I'm sorry but I'm actually 20,"Singa excused herself, trying to avoid the inevitable conversation. "You look like you're 14 to me. Now get outta here before I call security." the clerk snapped, her patience quickly wearing thin. Lucky for Singa, Cambodia was within earshot and darted towards her friend in a blink of an eye. The minute Cam was by her side, Singa climbed on top of her friend's shoulders and looked down at the counter clerk with a smug grin. "Do I look like I'm 14 now?"

"Hey...Thai? We got kicked out of the market." Cam told Thai over the phone not even a few minutes later. ". . . .What did you do." came the reply as though Thai was done with everything. "They thought Singa was a kid," words cannot describe the peal of laughter that echoed that statement.

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