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Mal peeked into the room and into the conference room. All the countries needed for it to work were there. Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Palestine,Syria and even Sudan was there. Making sure ASEAN didn't see him, Mal quietly slipped back put of the room. The task might be even more difficult than they originally thought. UN and NATO were guarding the doors to the roof and unless you were invisible,there was no going past. What they needed was either a distraction or someone short and fast enough. Luckily, Mal knew just the country for the job.

Singa slipped between the two organisations and zipped up the stairs to the roof as fast as her short legs would take her. When Mal had asked her to take the risk,she had already planned every step of the way. In about any second, ASEAN would call NATO and UN in the conference room to further disscuss their economics. Just as Singa met the roof, footsteps followed her from behind. She whirled around, a bright innocent smile plastered on her face,ready to fake her way out of it. "You should smile more often," Brunei greeted her as the two made their way to the helicopter just waiting to fly.

Across the road, Phil and Indo stood on the roof of a similar business building with a helicopter at the ready. The 5 of them had been planning this scheme for a while now and there was practically nothing that could go wrong. As the helicopter on the next building started, Phil and Indo climbed into their sweet ride and started the engine. "This is Beta reporting to Alpha,Alpha do you read?" Indo intoned over the comm, feeling like James Bonds at the moment. "Alpha to Beta, we read ypu loud and clear Indo, prepare to sync" Brunei replied, holding a long tube in his hands. "Aye aye captain!"

ASEAN should've known not to leave MalPhilIndo alone. When they received word of the helicopters being stolen, all the countries had rushed to the streets, flooding the whole sidewalk. UN,NATO and EU were trying to guess who had done it while ASEAN just slapped his forehead discreetly. Whatever instinct told him to leave MalPhilIndo alone was long gone by now. Suddenly, Brunei's face popped out of the helicopter's door and ASEAN nearly dropped to the ground. Brunei was in on this?! Heaven forbid he drop dead at that moment.

Syria looked between the two helicopters still trying to determine who was flying which. When Brunei and Indo popped out of the two helicopters, he heard Pakistan's audible gasp. The two boys were risking their lives especially when Brunei tossed what looked like a rolled up banner to Indo. Indo caught the end of the banner and yelled something at whoever was piloting his helicopter. As the two helicopters slowly drifted apart, the Asean family burst out laughing and some of the Middle Eastern countries started clapping. On the banner, the words "Salam Aidilfitri,Maaf Zahir dan Batin" were painted on a green background and had the flags of various muslim countries surrounding it. When the banner was fully unraveled, the two helicopters took to the skies and wished Selamat Hari Raya to all who listened.

Salam Aidilfitri Semua!!
اجازة سعيدة!!

Maligayang Piyesta Opisyal!!

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