Coming Home

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Del Pilar slid the coins across the counter top and to the bartender. She took one glance at the dark hood and slid a beer towards him. As Del Pilar took a swig, he recounted his adventures over the past 10 years. 1st, he was a general in a war, then he was a big brother to two monkeys and now he was charged with 1st degree murder. It had been at least a month since he had last seen Martial and Phil. He supposed he should visit them but he risked the cops following him home.

Del took another swig as someone slid into the seat next to him. Not only was the stranger also heavily cloaked like he was but the stranger's aura seemed too out of place in a bar. He was calm, kept his cool and didn't even flinch when some drunkard punched him. As Del took another swig of his drink, he noted the stranger's eyes which were practically glowing like cat eyes under th darkness of that hood. The way he was studying Del didn't sit well with him either. He would have to take care of him later.

2 hours later, the bar was nearly empty save for Del and the stranger. By this time, Del had reached his limit and he knew that if he drank anymore, he would be stumbling around the place like a buffoon. A voice pierced his thoughts and Del turned to the stranger still seated next to him. "Since there's no one else here, wanna ditch the hoods?" Del's pulse quickened,his heart recognizing the voice but his head refusing to make any connection of sorts. Simultaneously, both men reached up and pulled down their hoods. Now, Del's blood was a roaring wave in his veins and he was sure that he had too much to drink. The stranger reached for his hand and clasped it reassuringly.

Subconsciously, Del squeezed back as he met the man's eyes. "H-hi Papa Asean. I-I..." his voice failed him then and Del shook his head desperately, trying to rid the mist shrouding his normally sharp intellect. He must have heard by now. Why isn't he saying anything? Del's head pounded as hard as his heart as both tried to keep up. It was all happening too fast for him.

Asean noticed Del's breathing had hitched and that he was going through a mini panic attack. His suspiscions were confirmed when the first tear landed on his hand still holding Del's. "Hey,hey. It's alright Del. It's okay, I got you alright?" Asean murmmured as he pulled Del in a small embrace. "I-I'm so sorry Papa...I failed you" Del whispered into Asean's shoulder, as more tears trailed down his cheeks. Squeezing him tighter, the pair stayed like that for a good 15 minutes until Del finally calmed down and pulled away. Looking to the counter, it was obvious that he was embarrased by his break down. Why did I do that?! Since when did I call him Papa?! Must've been the drinks...

Asean watched Del,his eyes never leaving the tear stained cheeks and his hand never pulling away. It had been no coincidence that Israel had just happened to be in the same bar as Del. Asean had asked the country to help him find Del and when it was made clear he wouldn't be leaving anytime soon, Asean had donned his cloak and rushed to the bar. "I should probably leave. I can't let anyone else know I was here," Del pulled his hand away as he stood up from where he sat. "Really? Even though Phil and Martial have been waiting for you? You're still going to hide?"

Del whipped back to face Asean with shock and disbelief written on his face. "Phil and Martial aren't waiting for me. Haven't you seen how much happier they are now? It's best if I stay on the run. The cops are after me anyway. Why would they wait for a criminal?" Del scoffed even though it hurt him to say it, the truth had to be heard. At least, that was what he thought was true until Asean slid two photos across the table. One picture was of a bullentin board covered in newpapers articles about Del and there were even pictures tacked onto it. Notes could be seen and highlighters had been used excessively. The other picture was of Martial and Phil standing under the willow tree, facing the sunset as though waiting for someone.

Del looked back up at Asean,his hands trembling. "Explain" one word yet so promising. Asean kept his cool demeanour as he appraised the filipino. "Ever since Martial told Phil about your little conversation last month, they've been waiting out the sunset and they would scour the horizon in case you appear again. Even before that, Phil had been gathering any information related to you. Even asking America to share details about the case. And you say they're not waiting for you?"

Del looked away, shame all over him. Not only did he dissapoint his father but he also dissapointed his brothers. Some kuya he was. "Forgive me sir, but I stand by my earlier opinion. I comitted a crime so I see no reason for my brothers to want to see me." he nodded his head as he took his leave until someone threw what felt like a roll of newpaper at his head. "Read the front page."Asean commanded, his warm demeanour now icy and cold.

Obeying, Del took the paper and began reading. "On 21/6/20, the culprit behind the brutal murder of Mr Chin has been caught and convicted. The culprit has framed multiple men including the notorious Del Pilar. All suspects are free from investigation and will be left alone" Del looked back at Asean, his eyes wide in child-like disbelief. Asean smiled back at him as a pair of arms hugged Del from behind. "Looks like your coming home huh Kuya?" Del looked down to see Phil hugging him as tight as he could. Another pair of arms wrapped the two as Martial joined the hug. As the three filipino brothers celebrated, Asean took a thoughtful sip out of his drink as he silently thanked the real heroes of the story.

Elsewhere, Singa and Bru were sipping on espressos as they celebrated another case won.😎😎

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