Our Crazy Ties

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The trees were swaying gently in the breeze as the birds flew about as busy as the bees. Families were strolling around the grassy plains as a few March hares dodged the grasps of excited toddlers. The community garden flourished even though puppies had trampled it the day before. As the roses stood tall and proud in the sunlight, MalPhilIndo went and trampled all over it. "Over here! I'm open!" their cries sounded as the three boys played rugby. (Or American Football depending on where you at)

As the oval ball flew out of Phil's palm, Mal caught it before launching it at Indo who in turn tossed it to Martial just before Phil could intercept the pass. Making his eyes as big as possible, Phil triedhis best to mimic the "puppy eyes" so as to convince his brother to give him the ball. "Can you pwease gimme the ball Kuya?" throw in some baby talk and there you go,the perfect puppy. Too bad Martial tossed it to Del instead though.

"Why did you have to drag me here again?" Poland grumped as she eyed Luxembourg trying on multiple business suits, a couple of dresses and even a few flowy skirts. "Because I want to look my best for my date tonight and you're the only one in our friend group who cares if my date tonight succeeds," Luxembourg hushed her friend as she grabbed a miniskirt and a blouse. "You don't even know the guy! It's a blind date!"Poland continued as her eyes trailed her best friend to the dressing room.

"Firstly, it's a girl. Secondly, this gives me a chance to try falling in love at first sight !"Luxembourg called from inside the curtained area. Poland heaved a sigh before following her friend inside. "You know you don't have to dress up for me right Lux?" at the sound of her friend's voice, Luxembourg dropped the blouse in shock. "You're the blind date?!"

Netherlands checked his phone for what had to be the 20th time that day. When Poland had asked him to help plan for the date, he practically dumped his tulips on Belgium and began planning his little sister's date. Leaving his phone on the coffee table, Neth tried his hardest to relax. Laying back on the couch, it hadn't even been 5 minutes when his phone vibrated with a text from Luxembourg.

"Poland told me everything! Thanks a lot Big Bro, I owe you one!"and a barrage of emojis accompanied the text. Having done that, Neth took a screenshot of said text and forwarded it to Belgium who responded with a bunch of questionable emojis but hey,it was part of who he was. Speaking of which, Netherlands got off his phone and headed to the front door with his car keys in hand. It's been a while since he and Indo had gone out.

"Remind me again why we're doing this?" North Korea asked his twin while the two strutted into the security room with their costumes on. "Because we both agree that Jap deserves the best and that you would help me since you lost the bet last week," South replied in a hushed tone while waving to a couple of shoppers as they walked by.

North huffed but kept his mouth shut knowing full well that part of what South had said was true. He was the one who won the bet last week. Not South. Speaking of the devil, "Straighten your collar, what are you,5?" North raised an eyebrow at South's uniform. If any part of their costumes weren't one point,the whole operation was doomed. Struggling with the collar,South let North guide him into the security room where his brother barked out an order for the guards to leave and that they were taking over the shift. Playtime has arrived...

Russia and America were just getting lost among the many aisles of Walmart when a genius idea had struck the latter. "A-Ame? Why is your hand..?" Russia sucked in a breath as America squeezed his tooshie a little harder. "Your pants seemed too tight so I figured you needed some help," an innocent statement from a dirty mind. That seemed to be all that was coming out of America's mouth lately.

"There are kids," Russia hissed through gritted teeth. Humming in response, America opened his mouth to reply but was cut off by a message played on the PA system. "Hello Walmart shoppers! My name is South Korea and these next few songs go out to a very special woman. Happy 1 Month Anniversary Jap! Love ya tons!" just like that, Walmart shoppers were listening to K-Pop for a solid 7 hours.

As the sun began setting over the horizon, Japan was still giggling over all that went down at Walmart earlier on her drive home. When she heard her boyfriend's voice over the PA, she had fallen to the floor laughing much to the confusion and dismay to the other shoppers. A few weeks ago, South had said that he wanted to tell the world that she was his. Apparently, he had never forgotten that promise no matter how aloof he acted.

As Japan pulled the car into her driveway, she marveled at how South had convinced North to help him out. Nearing her bedroom though, the smell of food caught her attention and she rushed in only to find a platter of sushi had been left on the bed wih rose petals scattered around it. Balloons were tied to the bed posts and a vase of roses stood on the night stand. "My Romeo..."Japan sighed dreamily as she snapped a picture with her phone and sat down with a small smile on her lips.

Timor Leste was supposed to be dead. When he ran away from his older brother, he had only been 4 years old and the streets weren't kind to him then and vice versa. Everywhere he went, destruction followed him. For death had been his gift and his best friend all these years. This time though, Death would not accompany him to where he was going. No, no one would accompany him to where he was going.

Heeding the directions from a familiar stranger, Timor headed to a marble white mansion framed by a lone willow tree. The mailbox displayed the ASEAN symbol on it with children's scribbles encircling the latter in crayon. Taking one long look at the mansion and the lights inside, Timor forced himself to walk away. Maybe he would finally join his brother in that big house someday. But that day was not today.

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