Keep Hoping

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Australia regretted all decisions in his life. Espescially whatever decision led him to ask UN for Singa's number. I mean, when your sister won't reveal that she is your sister you ask the UN to look through his records and give you her number because you want to talk to her even though you could've asked her yourself. That is definitely the wisest decision on the block. (Please don't do it) Now, Aussie had Singa's number on a piece of scrap paper tucked away in his journal which was kept in a locked drawer of his desk and he was the only one with the key. In retrospect, he probably should've put it in a safe.

His pet snake slithered up Aussie's arm and nuzzled his head as if to say You need to calm down bro. "You're right Ray. I probably should calm down. It's not like calling her will lead to a war right?" Ray merely turned away from Aussie and instead began slithering to the desk. "Are you sure about this Ray?" Australia watched his pet curl up at the leg of the desk. Flicking his tongue out at him, Ray contemplated the obliviousness of his owner. Taking the hint, Australia took the key off the chain around his kneck and moved towards the desk. Just as he was about to insert it into the lock, his door swung open.

"Hey man! Whatcha doing?" America strutted over to Australia, his hands running over all furniture to guide him to where his brother stood. "Hey Ame, nothing much. Just regretting my decisions in life." America hummed in understanding as he sat on Aussie's bed. Pressing his hands onto the soft matress, America turned his head in the general direction of Aussie's voice. "You wanna talk about it?" he asked, patting the spot on the bed next to him.

Australia went quiet for a moment, wondering if he should indeed tell Ame that he had found their sister. But then remembered how desperate Singa looked when she had asked him to make that promise. "Nah..I can take care of it!" he smiled softly at his brother as he sat down next to him. "You sure? Last time you said that, you declared war on your national bird," Ame reminded his brother.

Hearing this, Ray lifted his head and hissed angrily at Ame. It wasn't Australia's fault those birds were so smart! Wincing, Australia rubbed his neck as he turned red at the memory. "Y-yeah...let's not bring that up..." he mumbled as he lifted his shoulders in shame. Yep. Definitely regretting all his decisions now. "Come on, I got something to tell the whole fam," Ame extended a hand to his brother as he stood up.

Chuckling softly, Aussie took his hand and the two headed down the stairs and to the living room. There, France Britain, New Zealand, Canada and Russia were all seated around the coffee table. Russia and Britain in armchairs while France and the boys were on the couch. As America pushed Aussie to the couch, he took his place in front of the TV and smiled broadly at his family. It was time to drop a bomb.

"As you guys already know, I got into a fight with Turkey two years ago which resulted in me losing my vision." America chuckled a little, remembering how a petty argument escalated into a full blown fist fight. France and Britain exchnged glances before turning back to Ame. Aussie, Nada and NZ were confused. This wasn't news. Russia however was resting his forearms on his legs and was trying to hide his grin. "We all thought it was permanent. Even the doctors said it was permanent," Ame took a shaky breath remembering how scared he was the first two months. Now everyone was confused except for Russia who could barely contain his smile."Well guess what?"

France's jaw dropped to floor when her eldest son took off his sunglasses to reveal his clear blue eyes. Clear after 2 years of being fogged up and cloudy, it was like looking at a finally clear sky. Her eyes filling with tears, she rushed to Ame's side only to find that he too was tearing up. "Bonjour..M-Maman.." finally, after two years of not being able to see at all, he was finally able to see his family.

Embracing her, America buried his head in his mother's shoulder, never letting go anytime soon. France echoed the same sentiments by squeezing him even tighter and soon, Britain joined in and the whole family was in one big group hug. "I-I thought I wouldn't be able to see you guys again!" Ame sobbed into his parents' arms. "Us too Ame. Us too." Britain murmured, nearly choking with sobs.

" The doctors said it was permanent!" Canada asked once everyone had calm down and tears no longer spilled. Russia spoke up, looking to Ame for permission to tell the story. "Ame woke up suddenly able to see the room. Though it was pretty blurry. When he told me that he could see, I held up a couple of flashcards and he somehow managed to make them out," he nodded to Ame who took over the story while Russia took a swig out of a bottle of vodka he had brought with him."We went to the hospital and the doctors said they must've misdiagnosed me and that I was only temporarily blind instead of permanently as they first said. Since then, Ruski and I have been working on getting my sight back to full strength!" he smiled at the memory of all those mornings spent regaining his vision.

"But why didn't you tell us earlier?" New Zealand piped up from his spot on the couch. "We didn't want to get your hopes up. The doctors have been wrong before" Russia answered for Ame. Australia pondered over this for a few moments before speaking, "So you kept it secret because you didn't want us to lose hope?" America nodded, his mouth filled with ice cream.I wonder if I should do the same...

Later that night, Aussie stood on the porch fiddling with a scrap of paper. Maybe I shouldn't call her... tracing the digits on the paper, Australia looked towards the stars. Their eternal beauty reminding him of the secret he now kept. Footsteps interrupted his train of thought and Aussie turned to America and waved shyly. He still couldn't believe that his vision had returned.

Ame looked at the paper in Aussie's hands and raised an eyebrow. "You tryna get a girl or something?" Aussie nearly choked at the notion. Careful Ame, your Alabama's showing Instead, he merely shook his head and shoved Singa's number in his pocket. "Maybe next time..."

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