Movie Night

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The spotlights shone on a lone figure standing onstage. His head was bowed and all you could see was his dapper top hat and suit. As the audience finally settled in their seats, the figure raised his head and greeted the crowd with his turquoise eyes. With a smile so charming and a voice so smooth, Del Pilar was probably the reason some of the girls in the audience started swooning.

Raising his head, he adressed the crowd with his arms spread out, "Ladies and gentlemen! Are you ready for the show?!" here, the ground practically shook as the audience roared. Some however were looking around confused. They had come for Pirates Of The Carribean. Not...whatever was going on. "Well then! If it's Pirates you want, then please welcome... ASEAN of The Carribean!!"

Martial turned down the lights and hit the sound button as Del took his spot next to him. The two were in charge of manning the lights and sound respectively and boy oh boy was it not going to be easy. "Good evening Orient Theater!!" Martial quickly reacted and a spotlight was shining on where Cambodia stood on the edge of the gallery.

As audience members twisted in their seats, some began murmuring. Del ignored them and instead turned up the bolume to drown them out. "Are you ready, for some pirates?!" Cam raised her arms and Del switched to a different soundtrack. "Then here we gooooo!!!" the two Filipino brothers silently high-fived each other. Everything was going according to plan.

Cambodia grabbed the rope that had seemingly dropped out of nowhere and swung across the room and over the audience's heads. Like an acrobat, she flew towards the stage and swiped a gentleman's hat on the way. "Hey!" Britain grasped at his head in surprised when he felt his hat being lifted off. Cambodia winked at him as she placed the top hat upon her on head and landed onstage as silent as a cat.

"If I may ladies and gentlemen, I'm quite sure that this is no ordinary hat. How else would you fit a phone with a cord inside?" Cambodia quizzed the audience as the lifted the handle of a red phone with it's cord still attached in side the hat. The applause would have gone on forever had it not been for the incessant ringing of said telephone.

Looking surprised, Cambodia answered the phone and paced around the stage while twirling the cord. "Hello? Oh hi Myanmar. What do you mean my performance wasn't good enough?" From her seat in the gallery, Myanmar had to bite her tongue to keep from laughing. Finally, a spotlight shone on her and she ditched her old coat for more practical attire. "I mean you need more flair!" she said as she swung around the room in a similar way to what Cam did a few moments prior.

Only difference was that the butterflies on a Ukraine's dress flew right off the pattern and trailed Myan, their colours adding more splendour to the performance. Leaping to the stage, she landed gracefully next to Cambodia to cheers from the audience. Waving at them, Myanmar soaked in the moment while Cambodia mocked annoyance while crossing her arms. "Well...only of you're into that kind of thing.." Cam shrugged her shoulders in nonchalance. "I think you're both wrong"

Vietnam stood from her place in the audience, drawing gasps from all around. The performers onstage just looked on unimpressed. As Vietnam waltzed down the aisle, a spotlight shadowed her and a soft piano could be heard in the background. Wherever she stepped, flowers bloomed and audiences were amazed to find roses, lilies, sunflowers and even whole gardens in their hair and pockets. Clucking at the pair like a mother hen, Vietnam took on the mantle of Mother once again

"You both lack grace and posture. At this rate, you'll be hunchbacks before you hit forty!" China chuckled softly along with the rest of the crowd. Not only had Vietnam said that particular line to him on many occasions but it was amusing to see her motherly side shine in public. Grinning at her, he fingered the rose in his shirt pocket. He would present it to her later.

The theater went dark and three different voices sounded in unison from different parts of the hall. "If you thought that was improper, then wait till you see this!" Canada twisted in his chair just as Philippines came swooping in with a torch held high above his head. As the spotlight
followed him, two more acrobats fell from the sky and met in the middle of the room where it was an all out sword fight.

Indo grinned as he swung his bambu runcing at Mal. His weapon met Mal's keris and both boys were locked in a staring contest. Neither moving, both just suspending in mid air. It was only when the music reached its climax did Indo make a move. He raised his bambu runcing and cut Mal's line.

The audience let out a collective gasp as Mal went falling. Twisting mid air, it seemed like Mal was about to land face first on the floor when someone came swooping in and grabbed his wrists. Mal looked up at Thailand who smiled at him grimly, "Try not to fall out of nowhere next time," he joked and Mal forced a smile even as his heart ran a marathon. He raised his gaze to meet Indo's and held up his keris in challenge.

As Thailand dropped Mal onto the stage, he rolled and came back up just as Indo fell onto the cold platform. The two countries circled one another and were both in fighting stances, blades drawn and held close. "Wait up!" Phil cried as he landed in the middle of the stage. On instinct, he sat down criss leged and pulled a bucket of popcorn out of his shirt pocket. Sitting in between the two countries, he began munching on his snack, the crunching the only sound heard in the near silent theater.

All eyes were drawn to Phillipines as he sat there, munching away on his popcorn. Spain watched alongside everyone else while Phil just continued gobbling down his popcorn. His eyes were wide with anticipation as he wondered what Mal and Indo would to Phil. Instead of soing anything drastic though, the two countrues merely shrugged and joined Phil on the fooor as MalPhilIndo shared the delicious buttery snack. Once again, applause shook the ground as the spotlights faded to black. From backstage, Martial and Del were sharing the same relieved smiles. If anything had gone wrong....

"Wait.....1 2 3 4 5 6 7...aren't there 10 members in ASEAN?" Brazil muttered from his seat next to Egypt. "You're right. Where're Singa, Brunei and Thai?" Egypt muttered back,both boys engrossed in the show. From where they were seated in the gallery, it was clear everyone else had the same thought. Where were the last three members of ASEAN? The spotlights swept over the crowd as though trying to locate the missing performers. It was only when a voice piped up from the back of the theater did all eyes and spotlights focus on one spot. "Right here!"

Applause erupted once again as the three countries came in swinging. Singa strutted down the ailse,her hair covering her stars and moon. Smiling and waving at all she passed, she pretty much stole the whole show with her charm and charisma. Meanwhile, Brunei and Thailand came swinging in on the ropes that were previously used by MalPhilIndo. Swooping down, Brinei whisked Singa into his arms and guided their rope to the stage where they were greeted with even more cheers. Thai smiled back at his friends as he swung around the perimeter of the theater.

Basking in the gasps and slack jaws that followed, Thailand catapulted off his line and landed on the stage with a feral grin. Now all the members of ASEAN were gathered onstage and were all clutching onto empty martinee glasses. "To our past! To where we were before!" Phillipines cried as he raised his glass into the light. "To our present! To where we stand today!" Laos echoed, her glass catching the light. "To our future! To where we're going!" Brunei cried, his smile as bright as a thousand stars. Never had anyone clapped as hard as they did in that moment.

As the audience filed out of the theater, all were either gossiping about the performance or reliving some of their favourite moments. Once everyone left, the performers slowly crept back to the audience and took their seats. "I can't believe that actually worked..." Martial commented in awe as he looked around at the now empty theater. "On the bright side, we now have the whole place to ourselves!" Mal answered as he rested his legs on the backrest of the seat in front of him.

"Still can't believe everyone forgot about the movie" Del shook his head as The Pirates Of The Carribean began playing onscreen. "Eh. Say what you will but I say it's totally worth it," Vietnam sighed in contentment as everyone else hummed in agreement. They had the whole movie to themselves.

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