Past Meets Present

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Brunei wandered around the ballroom slightly disoriented by the sheer size of the room. Britain's mansion was practically a castle in comparison to the ASEAN mansion. As he looked around the room he spotted all the Asean memebers scattered around the room. Well...all except Martial Law. The only reason he didn't have to go to the ball was because he "wasn't technically a member of Asean". When Phil had pressed him further, Martial had zipped himself in a sleeping bag and plooped himself onto the couch. "Fricc socialising!" he had said, his middle finger in the air like a gun.

In the end,Papa Asean (and everyone else) had given up and had gone to the ball without Martial. Brunei locked gazes with Singa from across the room. Thanks to her petite body shape, Singa was able to slip through the crowd and found her place at her partner's side. Instinctively, Brunei clasped her small hand in his and she squeezed back. Her tense body posture gave away how she felt about being back in her "so-called home". Pulling her to the dance floor, Brunei tried to ease his partner's stress.

As the pair slipped into a slow waltz,Brunei decided to have a little fun with his partner "Are you Medusa? Cause everytime I stare into your eyes, I can't move a muscle" Singa bit her lip in mock annoyance even as a blush crept across her face. "Why? You wanna be the peanut butter to my jelly?" she retorted slyly, thinking that she would win their little game.

Instead,Brunei pulled her closer and whispered into her ear, "Only if I get to be on top". He pulled away satisfied that she was as red as Soviet Union. However, Singa wasn't going down without a fight. Rubbing her knuckles against Brunei's bulge, she smile as he tensed up,his grip on her tightening. "You can be top all you want daddy~" Singa nuzzled against her partner's chest as the music came to an end.

MalPhilIndo were practically stuck to the buffet table. Practically every dish in the world was laid on one table! There was caviar,laksa,rendang, tacos,burgers, pancakes and even ice cream! Thinking that it would be a shame if any of it went to waste, the trio quickly set about packing most of the goodies into zip-lock bags they had brought with them. Hey, if you're gonna wear a tux, at least make sure it has pockets for your food.

In went the caviar, in went the laksa. In went the rendang and in went the tacos. Even the ice cream somehow found its way into a tiny bag. Phil was about to grab another scoop for Martial when someone smacked his arm away. Nervously,Phil looked up and smiled weakly even as Australia raised an eyebrow questionably. "What're you up to mate?"

"Maybe coming here was a bad idea Viet. I mean, literally everyone in Asean is antisocial and we only ever show up for the food." Laos confided to Vietnam as the two snacked on ice cream from the buffet table. "Everyone except Cam and Singa. Those two make friends faster than Nada makes pancakes." Viet waved her spoon around for emphasis. Laos nodded thougtfully and took another spoonful of ice cream. In fact, Cam was off partying with Egypt,Brazil and Argentina on the other side of the room.As she lowered her spoon, she noticed a figure approaching the pair in the distance. "Hello Laos, would you mind if I stole Vietnam away for a bit?" China asked Laos like the gentleman he was. Instead of responding, Laos just shoved Viet into China's arms. "Have fun you two!"

Thai was enjoying the view from the balcony that acted as a second floor to the ballroom. A marble footpath encircling the grand hall gave Thai the perfect spot to look out at all the pretty colours swirling around on the floor. Sipping his champange,Thai hummed a greeting to Myammar as she joined him.

"Why aren't you dancing? You know a lot of ladies here are into you" Myam asked the nonchalant Thai. "Well...I'm aromantic so they'll be sorely dissapointed" he replied. Indeed, the last time he tried his hand at romance, he hadn't even lasted 2 dates. Myammar hummed in understanding and took a sip out of her own champange. "Wait...what are Mal,Indo and Phil doing?!"

Info and Mal both froze when they realised that Phil had been caught. Shoving their many zip-lock bags in their pockets, they rushed to where Phil was stammering out an excuse to the seemingly nonchalant australian. "Well? What're you up to lil' buddy?" Aussi pressed Phil who still had his zip-lock bag in one hand. "Uh...w-well.." over Aussie's shoulder, Phil caught Mal and Indo frantically waving their arms like they were trying to fly.

"I was uhh....tryna fly..?" Aussie furrowed his eyebrows in confusion while Mal and Indo facepalmed in unison. Holding up a makeshift sign,Indo prayed that Phil wasn't as dense as Aussie thought he was. Phil took one glance at the sign and finally got the hint. "Duck"

Durians that once hung on the chandelier came crashing down. The only reason no one noticed said durians was because of the mangoes that were flying across the room. Whether or not this was the work of MalPhilIndo is still up for debate but when komodo lizards began infiltrating the ballroom,Britain knew he had to get out of there. Espescially when Milo powder came out of snow machines hidden under the buffet table.

Apparently,it seemed that the Asean family had expected this as they were already headed to the front doors. As the chocolate fog filled the room, Britain grabbed France's hand and pulled her to his study. Once inside, Britain realised with no small amount of horror that he had grabbed someone else. The confused country was red and white. With a crescent moon. And 5 stars.

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