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Ladiez and gentlemen!! It's your girl NatashaReed24 here and welcome to my first ever QnA!!! Now let's get started.

Treepifruit asks:

1) How are you doing?
Ans:I'm doing well. How about you? How do you do?

2) What got you into writing this book?
Ans: Ever since I was small, I would write stories about different fandoms. Recently, I've tried my hand at an original series but I wantes to write about countryhumans first.( And add my share of SingaBru)

3) (To Singapore) Do you think you should reveal yourself to Britain?
Singa: No. So far he's spent 14 happy years with his 4 sons and I don't want to complicate things. Even if his memories show sigms of returning, I don't want to come crashing in unexpectedly like that. I alteady have a new family so I don't see why I should chase after my old one.

Welp! That's it for today's QnA! Feel free to add more qns in the comments below. I'll try my best to answer them. Thanks again to Treepiftuit for the questions!! And thanks to all of you. With your help, 'Welcome Home' is now ranked second in #Asean. So thank you. Here's to a dozen more chapters!


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