What Comes Next?

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Myanmar sat alone in the airport cafe as she watched the airplanes take off. When it became apparent that Timor had hurt Indo, Mal, Phil, Martial and even Del had pleaded with Papa Asean for permission to hurt him. Physically though. Not emotionally. When Asean had refused though, Singa,Thai and Brunei tried to deliver fake body parts to Timor's house. With Laos' help, mannequin parts resembled Timor's own limbs. The only problem was that body parts weren't designed to fit in packages. Even if Vietnam tried crushing an arm or two.

After all these attempts, Asean still found a way to maintain his sanity and Myan didn't know how he did it. Yet as she looked out at the airplanes gracing the skies, she wondered if what Timor did proved something. That all blood relatives were good for was hurting you. Timor hurt Indo after all didn't he? Was that why Singa didn't want to reunite with her blood family?

"You don't plan on ditching us do you?" Cambodia joked as she slipped into the seat opposite Myan. Myan returned her friend's beam with a half grin before returning her gaze to the window. For a few minutes, the girls sat in comfortable silence,watching the planes rise to meet the clouds as the sunlight graced their metal wings. "I wonder what went through Singa's head when the possibility of Aussie and the others remembering her became apparent," Myan murmured, unaware that the silence carried her voice to her friend's ears.

Cambodia reached acrosss the table and clasped Myanmar's hand. The unspoken question hung heavy between the two girls and as more planes disappeared into the clouds, the two sisters tightened their grips as the million dollar question flashed through their minds.When the time comes, what choice will Singa make?

"Are you sure you're up for this? We can come back another time Indo," Mal gripped his best friend's arm as they stepped out of Martial's car. Phil slipped out of the car and took up his spot on Indo's other side. "I have to Mal. He sold them and now I have to get them back. For them," Indo croaked,his voice hoarse from the tears shed the previous day.

Nodding, Mal let go of Indo's arm while he and Phil fell into step behind him. "Last chance for you to back out Indo," Phil placed a hand on his friend's back as the three approached the jewelry store. Shaking his head grimly, Indo pushed ahead and entered the store. Once inside though, all they found was a package with a letter tied to it.

I'm sorry

....In conclusion, reuniting with your blood relatives may only hurt you instead of relieve you of the pain missing them brings. They may have proven to be a changed person or may have returned solely to hurt you. With the two examples listed above, I hope you take my advice to heart dear friend. Brunei sighed as he signed the journal entry and kept it in a drawer of his desk. As his fingers left the leather bound pages in the drawer, he grabbed a stack of letters which had been sent to him on a monthly basis for 6 years now.

All were hate letters and all were adressed to him. Some were even death threats but that didn't bother him. What concerned him was how much time these people had on their hands. "Bru? Thai says that he needs help cleaning out the fridge. You want in?" Brunei blushed slightly at the sound of Singa's voice. "S-sure. Just give me a minute," pulling himself together, Brunei followed his partner down the stairs.

"So..what happens after we find our sister?" Australia asked New Zealand from his place on his brother's bed. Kiwi looked to his younger brother thoughtfully as a whole bunch of ideas came to his mind. "Maybe we learn more about her. Then we take her to our corners of the earth. And maybe even introduce her to our traditions and stuff!" New Zealand's eyes widened at the endless possibilities. "What if we don't find her? What then?" Aussie prodded,his pet snake curled around his shoulder.

New Zealand thought for a moment before turning back to Australia. "We'll keep at it then! If you hadn't notice lil' bro, everyone here is too stubborn for their own good," NZ waved his hand around as if gesturing to the whole family."Forgive me gentlemen..." the two boys started at the sound of America's voice. "But I think you have some explaining to do Aussie," he said with Australia's open journal in his hand. The writing on the page was clear enough and Aussie immediately regretted everything.

Dear Diary, I found my missing sister today!


Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to the end of 'Welcome Home'. It's been an amazing journey but before I go, there will be a QnA +Dares session for the characters in the next chapter so feel free to leave any in the comments! Hope to see you guys in the sequel! Thank you so much to all my readers who have been here since I posted the first chapter. Still can't believe we made it this far.

See y'all in the next chapter!


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