We Nearly Died!

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You know something is wrong with your family when your brother challenges anyone and everyone to a road race. What was supposed to be a normal trip to the grocery store for Canada and America turned out to be multiple races with different vehicles. The problem was that Nada couldn't do anything other than pray that the cops didn't notice the racing Porche. "Live a little Nada! This is the first time we've been in a car together since I've lost my eyesight!" Ame crowed as he took another sharp turn.Nada could only nod weakly and tighten his grip on his seat. As the car pulled up to a red light, America noticed the motorbike right next to them.

Its rider seemed to be a girl given her physique and so was the passenger. Although it may have been the silky braid of hair trailing from beneath the helmet that gave it away. Just like that, a new challenger approaches...Tapping on the window, America caught the attention of said biker and taped a post-it note on his window such that the messsage was facing her. From next to him, Canada was shaking his head fearfully and even the girl's passenger seemed adamant that she rejected the challenge. One decisive nod however was all it took to shatter Canada's dream of having a normal trip to the grocer's.

Up in the skies, Poland and Kazakstan were keeping tabs on the speeding Porche. First, it was racing an SUV, then it was racing a Ferrari and now it was racing a motorbike. Even from where they flew among the clouds, they could hear the colourful curses from the unfortunate soul riding alongside the motorbike's owner.

"APA HAL?! DO YOU WANT US TO DIE?!因为我们要以这样的速度死亡! வியட்நாம் நிறுத்த!" and even more languages from the poor soul as the two vehicles zig zagged through the streets of the city. "All I can guess is that she thinks they're about to die," Kazakstan turned to Poland who shrugged her shoulders just as confused.

Sure there was a bit of English there but who knows what else she said. As the two winged countries folowed the racers, one could only guess what made them consider it as a good idea. (Translations at the end of the chapter)

Vietnam was having the time of her life. She had just gotten her bike back from the repair shop and had jumped at the chance to use it again after that one accident that had ended with her precious baby being near shreds. She herself only suffered a mild scrape on her knee but her poor baby!! Now that she was back on the road, she wondered why she never just stole Cambodia's bike and used that instead. Now as she raced America, she felt that familiar exhiliration flowing through her veins and her instincts telling her to pick up the speed.

Meanwhile, Singa tightened her grip around Viet's waist and muttered "We're gonna die" repeatedly in multiple languages and with her eyes squeezed shut. She should've known there was a reason why no one else wanted to accompany Viet on this wild trip. The one time she dared to open one of her eyes, they were using the walls of a tunnel as a road and were practically defying every road rule in existence with how they were riding. Squeezing her eyes shut once more, Singa continued her steady chant of "We're gonna die"

Ame and Nada stared in amazement when their opponent drove along the walls of the tunnel like it was just another part of the road. "How did she do that?" Ame paused his speeding to wonder for a moment, giving Nada the chance to loosen a sigh of relief. A move usually only seen in movies just happened before his very eyes yet Ame still refused to believe it.

Smirking, he pushed the pedal to the metal and picked up even more speed than before. Depending on the left wheels, America pushed all weight onto those two wheels and expertly steered arpind all the other card on the tunnel, closing the distance between him and whoever he was racing. Canada again gripped the edges of his seat and picked up his own chant of "We're gonna die"

Poland and Kazakstan both watched as the vehicles came out of the tunnel neck and neck. The Porche was obviously trying to swerve in and out of the colourful cars that covered the road but it couldn't beat the nimble motorbike which flowed through the traffic as seamlessly as water through a valley. Wordlessly, Kazakstan and Poland both placed their bets on one of the vehicles. Whoever won could call the other 'chicken face' for the rest of the month. As the racers zipped through the highway, it seemed pretty obvious that their next stop was....the woods?

Vietnam knew that the only way to ensure victory was to take the race into the woods that encircled the highway. With the members of ASEAN being the only ones who knew the woods like the back of their hands, she was positive that the race would be won in no time. She hadn't counted on the fact that Canada would sometimes go hunting in the same woods though.

When she glanced back, she saw Ame asking Nada for directions and the Porche was slowly closing in on them. That's when she heard it. A small whimper too soft for anyone else to hear. Vietnam looked down at Singa's arms which had only tightened around her and her eyes which were still squeezed shut tightly. That was when she was finally brought back to reality. Sighing in defeat, Vietnam pulled the bike over next to a lake and ended the race there.

The minute the Porche pulled over next to the bike, Nada and Singa both pulled their seperate drivers by the collars and threw them onto the ground. "WHAT IN THE WORLD MADE YOU THINK THAT WAS A GOOD IDEA?! WE NEARLY DIED!" Singa exploded, chucking her helmet onto Vietnam's stomach.

"AND YOU! WE WERE SUPPOSED TO GO TO THE GROCERY STORE NOT THE HOSPITAL!!" Nada turned to Ame who like Viet was just sitting on the ground as bewildered and amused as NZ when he found a kangaroo in his room. "ARE YOU INSANE?! YOU NEARLY GOT US KILLED!!" the two fuming countries shouted in unison. As if just noticing that they weren't yelling alone, Nada and Singa both turned to each other surprised before shaking each other's hands. Apparently, not dying in a situation most people usually do die in is a good way of making friends.

"....and that's why I'm hiding out at your place instead of mine with a black eye and a sore tailbone" Vietnam paused her tale as she took a bite out of the chinese dumpling in her hand. "After Singa and Nada shook hands, they had taken turns to lecture Ame and I on all the road crimes we committed and all the rules we broke. Needless to say, they both refuse to go on even a simple trip to the grocery store with either of us," Vietnam concluded as China took a thoughtful sip out of his tea.

Throughout the whole story, he only had two thoughts, Do Ame and Nada know about Singa being their sister? and Did anyone recognise her as their sister? he attempted to voice said thoughts but Vietnam had found his room and was now fussing over the state of it all. As he tried to placate the angry paddle warrior, the sun made way for a new moon to arise.

Oh and Kazakstan's new nickname is chicken face.

A/N Hi y'all! Here are the translations for the words in bold!

Apa hal- in this context, it lies somewhere along the lines of "DA FUQ!"

因为我们要以这样的速度死亡 - Because we are going to die at this rate

வியட்நாம் நிறுத்த - Stop Vietnam

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