A Promise To The Stars

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Katipunan looked up at the sparkling stars scattered across the heavens. Tomorrow, he would be going head to head with the Spanish Empire. Tomorrow, he might not come home to his family. Tomorrow, he might free himself and his family from the Spanish reign. Perla's grip on her husband's arm tightened and he saw that her eyes reflected his worries for the dawn to come.

Giving her a soft smile, Kati looked to his sons and began memorizing every detail lest he fall in combact. There was Del Pilar,the oldest. So quiet,so mature so unlike his younger brothers. The twins,Phillipines and Martial Law were only 4 minutes apart but Martial lorded it over his brother's head anyhow. Kati felt a tug on his shirt and looked down to see Del looking up at his father with worry etched on his young features. "Promise that you'll come home tomorrow?" he asked,as though fully aware that Kati may not return. "I swear it on the stars,"

The next day, Del Pilar and his siblings waited patiently for Kati to come home. Perla joined them on the front porch and the family awaited their father's return with anticipation. A figure appeared in the distance and all leaned forward in their chairs to get a better look. Closer and closer the figure crept and the distance between him and the house grew shorter and shorter. He stopped a few feet away from the house and looked up with a dazziling smile."Papa!"

Phil launched himslf off the porch and into his father's arms. As if broken from a spell, the whole family came crashing down on Kati like a tsunami on a beach. Perla and the boys were overwhelmed with gratitude to whatever god that sat in the heavens and Kati was just as grateful to see his family again. "You came back Papa! Just like you promised!" Del whispered as though not wanting his brothers to hear. "Of course I did Del, I swore it on the stars!" Kati replied,his frank smile putting the boy at ease.

Across the world, another father was saying goodbye to his 4 kids. USSR left his kids at Britain's house and ordered them to be on their best behaviour. He even gave Britain specific instructions on how to deal with the four ring circus. "Kaz is usually hungry so give him double portion and make sure he gets to stretch his wings. Belarus usually throws a fit when you take her scarf away but if you need to wash it, do it while she's asleep. If Ukraine starts bawling just on Teletubbies or something like that. Russia is the only mature one of the lot so if I missed anything just turn to him but don't let him near your liquor cabinet because he gets drunk easily," Britain nodded his head as he put away his pen and notebook. So many reminders yet so little time.

"Papa? Promise you'll come home soon?" Russia looked up at his father hopefully. Both men stiffened at the seemingly innocent question. "O-Of course Russ. Just be patient alright?" USSR patted his son'a head and made for the front door. "Bye Papa!!" Kaz,Bel,Ukraine and Riss yelled after their departing father. Saluting them, USSR drove into battle.

Years later, USSR finally came back to pick up his kids. The stars lit the stage and the full moon a spotlight. There was no doubt that the children would have grown up by then. In fact, when he drove into the driveway of Britain's manor, he spotted 4 familar figures standing on the porch. Russia was a little bit taller now and Kaz's wings had grown. Bel and Ukraine both had become beautiful young women and Bel still had her scarf. Lowering his car window, USSR waved to his children and al four of them clambered noisily into the car.

That was years ago. Now, both Kati and USSR were among the stars, still watching their children grow. Perla joined her husband shortly after and even Japanese Empire found his way there. The four of them shed no tears when Nazi pulled the trigger and all wished him safe passage to hell. Of course they all paid particular attention to their children, grimacing at their mistakes and celebrating every victory small and big.

They applauded Russia when he asked America on their first date and they wept when Britain lost his memories of his daughter. "If only there was a way for us to tell him..." Perla had sighed after seeing the meeting between Britain and Brunei. Kati held his wife tightly, sharing the same sentiments. "Maybe there is...." Japanese Empire glanced out at the window and the four spirits spotted the one person who could possibly help the dead.

"I don't get it. Doesn't she specialise in vampires and not ghosts?" USSR asked as the four entered Romania's house. "Potatoe pohtahtoh!" Kati replied waving off the country's concern. "You know I can hear you right?!" Romania called over her shoulder. The four ghosts froze in fear. Never had anyone acknowledged their presence so openly like that. Japanese Empire was the first to recover. "We need a small favour if you will..." Soon enough, Romania was scheming with USSR, Katipunan,Perla and the Japanese Empire on ways to fix a broken family.

Weeks later, an invitation arrived at the Asean household.

All members of ASEAN are cordially invited to the Midnight Ball at Britain's mansion on the 13th of June.
- Romania

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