Not Technically Spying

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The sirens blared and he was on the run. The scenery around him blurred as his breathing hitched. Scrambling up a fire escape didn't help either, the climb only slowing him down further. Just as he reached the top of the building, he was blinded by helicopter headlights and at the edge of the roof. Spinning around,he found more officers coming out from the fire escape.

Over a megaphone, the chief of the task force cried out from one of the choppers, "We have you surrounded! Put your hands in the air where we can see them!" Should he do it? He had no where else to go and there was no one who would miss him anyway. Raising his hands above his head,he flashed a cocky grin at the officers gathered around him...and let his body free fall off the edge of the rooftop.

"Can someone explain to me why we're stalking Singa?" Del Pilar opened his eyes and found himsef crouched in an alleyway with Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia and Martial Law. Martial had posed the question to Phil and the latter had yet to respond. "Pfft- we're not stalking her...we're just...ensuring her well-being from afar..." Indonesia answered with a dismissive wave of his hand. "That and you guys have nothing better to do.." Martial muttered under his breath just loud enough for Del to hear. A small snicker escaped from both brothers' lips but both were immediately shushed by Phil who lifted a finger to his lips.

"There she is!" Malaysia whispered from his spot at the mouth of the alleyway. Just as everyone pressed themselves against the alley walls, Singapore walked passed with her head held high and heels clacking as she strutted by. Under her arm, she carried what looked like to be files of importance but that didn't matter now. As the Eastern Lion entered the cafe, the Earth held its breath in anticipation of a storm

Israel carefully took a sip out of his ice cold latte. As the warm chocolatey taste exploded in his mouth, he closed his eyes to just... y'know... bask in the moment. It was only when the click clacking of heels stab his train of thought did he dare open his eyes. As Singapore bustled through the glass doors of the cafe, he noticed a few heads were turning and a few eyes looking on appreciatively.

Israel's grip on his cup tightened and he gritted his teeth subconsciously. Nobody had the right to look at anyone like that. Thankfully, Simgapore paid them no mind and instead made a beeline for the booth behind Israel. "Hello Australia! Sorry I'm late!" Israel's brows rose a bit at the greeting. Though the words were warm and friendly, the tone... it sounded more like a business meeting than a casual meet up. Something was up.

Palau knew from the moment Singa walked in that the only she was there was for a business meeting. Usually, she would come in with her usual bright smile and her Converse sneakers would grace the tiles. Today though, her usually braided hair was up in a tight bun and high heels replaced the sneakers. "Hello Australia! Sorry I'm late!" watching her extend her hand in greeting, Palau couldn't help but notice how Australia seemed a little startled by Singa's greeting.

He hesitated to shake her hand and offered a shaky smile instead of his million-watts grin. Shaking her head, Palau returned to brewing coffee and fixing up warm pastries. Just because Singa was an acquaintance, it didn't mean that she should slack off for her. Besides, that girl was one of the Asian tigers for a reason. Time for the claws to shine.

"Okay then, so I was thinking maybe lie low for a while and then.." bits and pieces of Singapore's and Australia's conversation floated to where Greece was sitting with "The Strange Case Of Jekyll And Hyde" in his hands. "Okay but why lie low? You could always just come home with me..." Greece nearly dropped his book at the sentence.

It wasn't the thought of Singapore with Australia that startled him. It was the thought of Singapore cheating on Brunei with Australia that shook him to the core.Greece had never really known her personally but he was pretty sure that she was as loyal as they came. Back in highschool, there was a rumour that Singapore held a switchblade to Spain's head for calling Thailand a traitor to South East Asia. Forcing his nerves to calm down, Greece returned to his book but the nagging feeling never did subside.

"Here's your drink sir, if there's anything else, just let me know," Hong Kong turned away from the customer he was serving and tightened his ponytail as he snaked his way through the maze of bustling customers and fellow servers. Spotting Singapore out of the corner of his eye, Hong Kong gave a shy little wave and quickly turned back to wiping down a table before she could respond.

Not that she could anyway,from what he was hearing, the Little Red Dot had a business meeting on her hands and was devouring it like a lion would its prey. "...that's rich comimg from you Aussie. Didn't Canada burn down the White House? I don't see why Del is any more of a 'problem'..." Hong Kong shuddered involuntarily. Even with his back facing her, he could tell that Singapore knew what the weight of her words meant to Australia. It was more of a 'Try me' than anything else.

"Well,if that's all Australia,you'll have to excuse me. I have a date," Indo barely had time to hide as Singa strutted out of the cafe leaving Australia with a single document and
a lonely cup of espresso. Panicking, Indo did the only thing he thought possible at the moment. "What are you doing?" Singa blinked twice as though wishing that she didn't have to see what was right in front of her.

Indo chuckled nervously and got down from the statue's pedestal with Mal and Phil close behind. Singa was practically face palming at that point. "Were you guys... spying on me?" the atmosphere chilled and Indo could've sworn that there were snowflakes forming. "What we did was not technically spying...more like...ensuring your safety from a distance," Mal raised his hands as though trying to diffuse the situation. As if not wanting to deal with them any longer, Singa huffed off leaving MalPhilIndo to wonder when they should prepare their funerals.

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