Chapter 12

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  "It's been cancelled, you're not getting your little dance," she mocks us.
  I'm sitting at the Gryffindor table with Harry, Ron, Hermione and Luna again. I haven't sat with Draco in a week or so. "I can't believe she canceled our dance," Luna says.
  "Yeah," I groan.
  Umbridge canceled our dance, the one that doesn't happen each year. The one we were lucky to be getting. Umbridge has practically canceled our lives at this point. She's made rule after rule, making it hard to enjoy being in school, yet, if you told her you'd be sent to her office for a taste of pain, and hate it.
"Hopefully we can put a stop to this," Harry says. Luna nods with Ron.
"I can't believe this," Hermione starts, but as she does I start to zone out. My hands no longer scarred, it's like it never happened. I'm not sure why she's able to get away with this, or why the ministry is letting her do this.
I'm pulled from my thoughts as the group around me starts to leave the table, I stand and follow. They're all talking amusing themselves while Luna and I follow walking side-by-side. We all make our way to the room of requirement meeting with others once there. Today is a weekend so I'm happy to announce I'm in pants during today's training. And, since it's the weekend, we can spend all day practicing if we want.
"Focus, Luna," Harry encourages Luna as she's trying to casts her Patronus.
The room is filled with happy thoughts, positive energy, and different patronuses. But, as everyone starts to get a hang of it, a harsh but muffled bang comes from somewhere. It causes the chandelier to shake and grasps everyone's attention, even mine. Another muffled bang is heard, and again, as many as five or six until the glass mirror from the wall we all had entered smashes. A hole the size of a hand, maybe, shows from behind the now broken mirror. Harry and smaller boy are quick to make their way to the wall, but when the voice of Umbridge is heard Harry realizes her actions and pulls the boy out of the way. In a loud explosion the wall that once was a door for "Dumbledore's Army" is now a hole big enough to show Umbridge, Mr. Filnch and, Umbridges little gang called the "Inquisitorial Squad", which Draco is a part of. Speaking of, I don't see him, well right away at least. Rock and dust fill the room we practice in and when it clears up enough around me I finally spot him, he pulls some girl into view of the hole like some rude prick. It upsets me to see it, but it makes it worse when he shows a satisfactory smirk which fades to a smile. His eyes scan the room and to my surprise he finds mine, as they do his smile is quick to fall. Did he really not expect this, of course I'd be here. I quickly move my gaze to the floor and then Luna, she's got her eyes on the hole where Umbridge stands.
  Within seconds the room is starting to be cleared and Harry is being escorted, along with the girl Draco had with him, to Dumbledore's office. All the students that were in the in the room of requirement are being sent off to their common rooms, we're told we will not be getting out of this one. So be it. I make my way out of the room and through the hole in the wall. "(Y/N)," someone is quick to whisper as I pass. I whip my head around to be faced with Draco, he pulls me to him by the arm. His face shows a snarl.
  He drags me away from everyone, once practically alone he looks me up and down with a nasty look on his face. "Stop it," I say, but my tone is so guilty, I sound pathetic.
  "You were in on it?" he lets out an angry chuckle. "I can't believe you choose to help Potter."
  "He was doing good, Draco." Draco only shakes his head at me, clenching his fists. He's quick to punch the wall beside us.
  "I told you to not get yourself into trouble, I told you!" he yell-whispers at me.
  "I'm sorry, I can't take all the credit. I was forced to join, but that doesn't matter. I stayed because what he was doing is good, Dumbledore isn't working for Voldemort."
  "You don't know that," Draco spits.
  I roll my eyes, "Stop this, stop it. I can't stand you yelling at me for everything every time you see me."
  "You think I want to? Do you think I like to?" I shake my head at his questions. "I don't." Draco and I go quiet for a moment, he's looking through me but also into my eyes. I try and avoid his gaze but it's hard, I want to look at him.
  "You make it so difficult to like you, Draco," I say. I expected a snarky or angry answer back but all he does is remove his cape. "What are you doing?" I ask.
  Once his cape is off and on the floor he moves and pushes me up against the wall he previously punched. He's looking into my eyes and I his. "What?" I didn't mean to whisper but my voice is too weak right now. Being pinned to the wall by Draco's eyes and hands, which are beside my shoulders, is making me weak.
"Can I kiss you?" Draco asks.
"Right now?" I ask. He looks up and down the hall we're in and then back to me.
  He nods, "Right now." I smile at him, his face is almost straight besides his leftover snarl.
  "I'm not sure, you aren't treating me very nicely," I say. "And you had your hands on another girl. Which, if I might add, was very rude of you to grab her like you were, smirking and all." Draco doesn't look very happy about what I say but I know he isn't bothered as I catch a small smile before his lips are on mine. We've never made out before, just kissed a few times so I'm slightly in shock but I'm not upset about it.
  But as quickly as it started it ended. We pull away and Draco is quick to pick up his robe. "Get back to your common room before you get yourself into anymore trouble." I nod but want to protest.
  "Draco?" He hums as an answer. "You care about me don't you?"
  "What? No," he's too quick to answer. I smile at his response. "Go and get your hand scarred again see if I care."
  "You wouldn't care?" I tease him.
  "Of course not," he says and huffs out of his nose, but his face softens. "Of course I care, now go back to your common room."
  I kiss his cheek, "Okay," and walk past him. I'm only a few feet away when he calls for me.
  "Hey, you better be eating with me at lunch again."
  I nod, "Yeah, yeah."

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