Chapter 29

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I follow Draco down to the dinning room. I can see the tables been set and Draco's father is sat at one of the end seats. Shyness starts to take me over and I fall close behind Draco. Draco must notice as he takes my hand into his, leading us to out usually seats at the table, which are at the opposite side of the table as Lucius.
"Hey," Lucius whistles and points at his end of the table. "You're sitting at this end."
"Not unless she is too," Draco's quick to stand up for me, but he really doesn't have to.
Lucius rolls his eyes, "Right." He seems to notice me for the first time. "What is she wearing?"
  "Father," Draco scolds. He's standing again.
"It was a simple question."
Draco sighs and rolls his eyes, "She didn't pack for this. I didn't even know this was happening."
"Blame your mother for that one," Lucius looks at me long enough to glance. "Whatever, just sit." Draco sighs and we find new seats at the same end of the table as Lucius. It makes me uncomfortable sitting this close to him, to say the least. Draco looks over to me gaining my attention quickly. He takes my hand into his again, giving me a small smile.
It wasn't long before Narcissa and her sister were joining the two blond boys and I in the dinning room. "Hello," Narcissa greets us. "(Y/N), I'd like you to meet my sister Bellatrix. Bella, this is Draco's friend (Y/N)." I smile and greet Bella, she looks similar to Narcissa, at least when they're stood beside each other. Bella returns my smile but her eyes are quick to find Draco sat beside me.
  "Draco, you've grown. Quite tall  now aren't you?" she greets him with a different smile. This ones more genuine but somehow creepy looking. Draco nods to her.
"It's been awhile. You've been in Azkaban for quiet some time," Draco says.
  Bella loses her smile. "Well-"
  "Draco," Narcissa cuts Bella off with a scold but my attention is brought to Lucius, he's smirking behind his hands. Does he think it's funny?
Bella and Narcissa both take seats at the table and we're all quickly served an appetizer. Everyone is quiet, well until Narcissa thinks a conversation is necessary.
"Draco, why don't you tell your aunt about school?"
  He snarls, "What's there to tell?" Narcissa nods.
  "Well," she looks my way and hesitates. "What about your friend here? Tell your aunt about her,"  she nods towards me. I try not to slump down into my chair. I'd rather not have the whole dinner table talking about me.
  Draco looks my way, meeting eyes with me, and then back to his mother and Bella. "This is my girlfriend," Lucius seems to choke but only I pay attention. "There's not much more to say."
  "Well," Bella gains another smile, I guess she likes to see Lucius squirm, "how did you two meet?" Her question is so formal, it makes me uncomfortable. Plus, it seems like they don't realize I'm sitting right here.
  "At school," Draco seems to be keeping his answers to a minimal. Bella looks to Narcissa with her lips in the shape of an 'o'. Narcissa takes the conversation into her own hands and changes it to a new topic, leaving Draco and I to each other's company, for the most part.
  Dinner ended early for Draco and I. We didn't talk, or I didn't, so we ended up eating the whole time. After we finished, though, we both made our way to the living room.
  "That was so awkward," I comment in a hushed voice. Draco nods in agreement.
"How about we forget about it and play some games upstairs?" he offers.
"Sure," I nod. Before we can leave the room Draco is called for. We both turn, it's Bella.
"I just wanted to apologize," she reaches Draco and places her hands on his shoulders. "I'm sorry if we made you um, uncomfortable at dinner." I watch her gaze meet with mine as she looks at me. She has a look in her eye. If I knew her better I'd take it for being mischievous or maybe even evil. "I'd like to talk to you," she says to me. "Alone."
I nod and gulp down nerves. "Why?" Draco asks. "You can't talk to her with me here?"
"Oh, no no," Bella smiles at him. "It's nothing bad, nothing bad at all." Draco trusts her and gives me a glance, this is up to me.
Bella leads us to a study down the hall from the living room. She opens the door for me and follows me in.
  "So," she starts, "Lucius doesn't seem to like you around."
  "I-I'm not sure what I've done to him but I'm sure I can apologize," I say.
Bella smiles, "Silly girl, you haven't done anything he just doesn't like you." I'm taken back by her words.
  "Then I don't understand why he has a problem."
  "You're in the way, you're distracting Draco. He's on his way to becoming a great Death Eater and you're ruining it," she seethes. Her sudden anger causes my confusion to deepen.
  "A-a Death Eater?" I ask. Bella nods. "I don't know what that is."
  Bella laughs, "Of course you don't," she says in a pity tone likes she speaking to a child. She even adds a pout. "It's a group of people who serve Lord Voldemort."
Bellatrix slaps me across the face, interrupting my question. "You little bitch, don't you dare use his name like that!" I can feel my mouth fill with a metal taste as my cheek start to go numb. "You're not good for Draco. You're just some soft little half-blood," she spits. "Nothing more, nothing less." Her words sting almost as bad as my cheek.
"You don't know anything," I say through tear filled eyes. My eyes started to fill due to the shock of being hit but her words cause then to start to fall.
Bella laughs, "Do you think I'm oblivious? I know how he is, he's only using you."
"You're lying," I say. I've grit my teeth trying to ignore the pain in her words.
She gives me a smile, one of her usual creepy ones, and comes so close to me I can feel her anger. She grabs my hair. "I never want to see you again, is that understood? If I find out you and Draco are less then 10 feet apart I'm going to find you." She pushes me towards the floor but I catch myself. "Get out," she spits. When I hesitate to move she repeats herself, "Out!"

Green Grass and Old Parchment - Draco X Hufflepuff ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now