Chapter 44

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  "Please.. m-make it stop," I beg. As much as I don't want to give in to Bellatrix I know I have to.
  "Please," I cry.
  "Don't you want me to stop," she slaps me again. "Or-"
  "Bella!" She's cut off and I start to cry more, out of fear and happiness from his voice. Hearing Draco yell, even it if it is at Bellatrix, is scary. But, it's the voice I always love to hear. Someone that I know can make her stop. "That's enough," Draco's voice is filled with rage and holds a stern tone.
  "I was just beginning to have some fun." Bella seems to act like a child who wants pity. Hands wipe away my tears and then rest on my red, wet, and stinging cheeks.
  "I never want to see you lay and hand on her again," he's so close to me yet I still can't seem to find the strength to open my eyes. My head hurts too much and my eyelids feel like bricks.
  "And I don't want to see her anywhere near you!" She argues.
  "Bella, my love life isn't any of your concern," Draco spits. "If I want your opinion I'll ask."
  "The Dark Lord will-"
  "I could care less," he seethes in a whisper. I'm taken back a little. If what Voldemort is here? What is the goblin was right?
  Bella laughs, is evil. "Then it'll call him and ask how he feels knowing that." Draco doesn't answer her. I feel an arm wrap around my back and to my side. I flinch.
  "It's only me," Draco assures me, bringing my arm closest to him over his shoulder. He pulls me up off the chair but my legs are too weak and I almost fall. "Easy." This moment reminds me of when I found Draco in the boys laboratory after his fight with Harry. Snape had helped him up and told him the same thing, 'easy'. It's odd how he's doing what has been done to him by someone else.
  "You're crazy," Bella exclaims. I get confused but as soon as I was confused I'm no longer. Draco has a hand on one of my legs as if he was going to pick me up. "You can't seriously think you could pick her up."
  "Shut it," Draco spits before doing just as Bella and I thought he couldn't. I'm in shock. But Draco only carries me so far before asking me to stand again. "Can you stand?"
  I nod, "I-I can walk." My voice wavers but at least I'm not crying anymore.
  "I don't need you to walk, I'm going to put you on my back." I nod to say okay and Draco grabs my hand. He's crouched and guides one hand to his shoulder so I can find the other easier. I wrap my arms around his neck, not to the point where he's choking, and he grabs my thighs. He grunts slightly when he stands which makes me a little sad but I should know better, I'm not the easiest person to carry. I can't tell where we're going but I trust him. Eventually a door opens and then closes. "I'm going to set you on my bed, okay?"
  "Mhm," I hum yes. Draco turns around and squats enough for me to fall backwards and into his bed. I bring my hands to my eyes slowly, due to my lack of energy, and hear a door lock.
"How are you feeling?" Draco reaches me again and replaces my hands with his. I'm still a little jumpy so I flinch slightly when he touches me. "Just relax, you're alright now." We both fall quiet and I realize how bad my head really feels. The sudden pain of my head makes me overwhelmed and I start to cry, my already teary eyes giving out again. "Please don't cry," Draco says and sits beside me on the bed, pulling me into his lap.
"O-Ow," I stutter as he moves me.
"Sorry," he whispers.
  "Luna.. what about Luna?" I ask. He starts to rub my back and I try to calm down.
  "It's alright, I'll get her out of here, now tell me. What did Bella do to you?"
I shake my head slowly. "I-I need sleep," I say and yawn, nestling into Draco.
"Okay," his voice is calm. It's so soft compared to how he talked to Bellatrix just a few moments ago. I focus on his breathing instead of my headache and find myself fading in and out of sleep, and eventually my body gives in.

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