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In the streets of Vale, a figure is seen walking in the late afternoon. They eventually stopped at a small dust store called Dust 'n More. They went inside and walked to the dust section of the store and started to browse through. The employee at the counter, a male in his late teens, noticed the figure.

Employee:Hey, what are you doing here?

The figure turned to reveal a male in his teens as well.

???:Huh, what do you mean?

Employee:I mean your kind isn't allowed here.

The employee pointed to the top of the males head, motioning to the Fox ears he had.

???:Is that so?

Employee:Yeah, so why don't you-

???2:Kyle! What did I say about harassing the customers. Go on and check stock in the back.

They both turn to see a man coming out of the backroom with a cane. Kyle scoffs and goes into the backroom. The man turned to the other teen.

???2:Sorry about that Y/n, new employee. Hired him a day ago.

Y/n:That's fine, I know how people can be. What happened to the other guy?

???2:Sadly they had to move. Don't know where or why, but they're gone now.

Y/n:That's a shame, they were nice.

???:That they were. So, I'd recon that you here for some dust.

Y/n:Yes sir, Mr. Graydon.

Graydon:Don't call me that. Makes me sound old.

Y/n:You do have the cane to match.

The two share a laugh. After a bit of time, Y/n exited the shop and started to walk through the city again. As he walked through the city, it got darker, making the lights of the city turn on. He eventually made it to the docks and rushed to a bullhead before it sped off, taking him to the island of Patch. Once the bullhead landed, he got off and called a cab to take him home. After getting home, and paying the driver, he walked inside.

Y/n:Mom! I'm home!

Mom:I'm in the kitchen!

After hearing her response, Y/n walked towards the kitchen. He walks in to see his mother sitting at the kitchen island along with a man with grey hair, glasses, a green button-up shirt, a black coat with pants to match, and a green scarf with a pin of a cross on it. A cane was propped against the seat he was sitting on.

???3:Why hello there. I've been waiting for you.

Mom:You remember who this is, don't you?

Y/n:Of course! Professor Ozpin, headmaster of Beacon Academy! It's very nice to meet you.

Y/n walks up to him and sticks his hand out. Ozpin grabs his hand and shakes it.

Ozpin:It is a pleasure to meet you as well. I came here to discuss something with you.

Y/n:Oh, is it about a weapon?

Ozpin:No no, nothing of the sort. Although when it is about one, I will come here.

Y/n:What do you need then, sir?

Ozpin:Well, before I ask my main question, I want to hear about your semblance.

Y/n:My semblance?

Ozpin:Yes. I heard it's quite the odd one.

Y/n:I guess it is. My semblance allows me to take control of Grimm. After I kill them, that is. After I kill a Grimm, I can summon it to fight for me. But if it dies again, it dies forever.

Ozpin:Would you mind showing an example?

Y/n:Not at all.

Y/n steps back and holds his hands out. His pupils turn F/c. Suddenly, a f/c Beowolf appeared in the middle of the kitchen, but instead of attacking anyone, it stood still, as if waiting for an order.

Ozpin:Very impressive. And to make them go away?

Y/n:Basically the same thing.

Y/n pupils turn f/c again, making the Beowolf disappear into thin air.

Ozpin:Good. Now onto my main question.

Y/n:What is it?

Ozpin:Would you like to attend Beacon this year?

Y/n:Yes I did plan on- wait this year? But I still have a year left in Signal.

Ozpin:Yes, but I think I can pull a few strings to get you into Beacon a year early. So, what do you say?

Y/n looked at him in shock. He then looked at his mother.

Mom:Don't worry dear, we already talked about it before you came home. If you really want to, you can go.

Y/n looks back at Ozpin, a smile growing on his face.

Y/n:I would love to.

Ozpin:Then I would pack your things.

Y/n turns and runs out the room and up the stairs to his room, an exited yell coming from upstairs. Ozpin looks over to the mother.

Ozpin:Melissa, you still haven't told him, haven't you?

Melissa:(sighs)No, I haven't.

Ozpin:You need to tell him soon.

Melissa:I know I do, I just hope he's ready for it.

The Inventor of Vale (RWBY x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now