{ tell them pt. 2 }

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words: 829


Katie hadn't even noticed the panic sneaking up on her, which had never happened to her before. Usually, she could sense her feelings of anxiety rising up inside her, and she could at least attempt to calm herself down with deep breaths and focusing her attention on specific things, but not this time.

She had blacked out, and felt even worse about herself than usual.


Travis was terrified.

He and Katie had just been joking around, and he had been about to tell her his brilliant plan, when she passed out.

He caught her before she hit the ground, and instantly attempted to rush to the infirmary, but hey, carrying an unconscious eighteen-year old girl doesn't make for the fastest progress.

During his struggle to the infirmary, he didn't even think to consider what kinds of questions might be asked when they arrived.

Where were you?

Why did you, her enemy carry her to the infirmary?

He was too worried about Katie.

Travis knew that if she were awake, she would be telling him not to worry about her and all of her other constant assurances that she didn't matter.

She didn't know how much it hurt him to think of her feeling about herself that way. She deserved happiness. She always had a smile on her face, whether she was helping the newer campers learn the ropes, or planting away in the strawberry fields, but most of the time it seemed fake and forced. Like a costume she had to wear when she wasn't around people she fully trusted.

She had started to show more of her 'real self' around him lately, and it pained Travis even more. He wanted so badly to help her feel better, but he didn't know how.

So many thoughts were rushing through his brain that he didn't even notice that they had arrived at the infirmary until a concerned looking Apollo camper appeared at his side.

"What happened?"

"I don't know! We were...erm, arguing, like usual, and she just blacked out."

The Apollo girl called for another healer to help her carry Katie, and then the two took her into a room, shutting the door behind them.

This left Travis to his own devices in the mini-waiting room that was usually used for demigods waiting for wounds to be treated. The only thing that Travis needed to be healed was his peace of mind about whether Katie was going to be okay, and he didn't think Tylenol could solve that.

Deep down, he knew that Katie was probably just having a panic attack, and she wasn't going to die, but he also knew that he was highly uneducated about them, which did not ease his racing heart.

He was also aware that even if something wasn't immediately life-threatening, it could still leave scars, physical and mental, and didn't want Katie suffering at all.

He forced his hands to stop shaking, coming to terms with the fact of how much he truly cared about Katie.

He jumped slightly when he glanced up and saw Will Solace (a/n idk why i keep writing in will...but cameos are fun, right?) watching him curiously.

Travis stood up and approached Will, a questioning look on his face. The son of Apollo wasted no time in his inquiry, "Why are you so concerned about Katie?" he asked, a trace of a smile on his face.

"Um-I-uh-well, you see-um-I just...don't want to lose my enemy." he said it more like a question than a sure-of-himself statement.

"Sure. You're totally not concerned because you guys were, complete guess here, secretly dating?"

Travis was at a loss for words for approximately three minutes before replying, "Why would you say that?" in the calmest way he could muster, which admittedly wasn't very calm.

"Why else would two supposed enemies be holding hands all the in relative secrecy?"

Travis sighed, and imagined how angry Katie would be if she could hear their conversation. But then again, maybe she wouldn't mind. She had been fine with people finding out... "Fine. You're right. I guess it was time for the secret to come out anyways."

"And you call yourself the son of the god of lies?" the snarky remark came from the doorway of one of the rooms. The room that Katie had entered about twenty minutes previous.

She was standing there, arms crossed over her chest, a half-full glass of water held relatively loosely in one of her hands.

Choosing to ignore her previous comment, and their surroundings, Travis ran over and hugged her tightly, breathing out only one word, "Kates,"

Katie glanced nervously at the shocked healers, before sighing and wrapping her arms around his neck, setting the glass of water down on a table in the process.

When they separated, they were bombarded with questions from the nearest campers, but remained holding hands.

People knowing about them couldn't be so bad, as long as they had one another.


so I didn't like this, almost at all.

why then, did I post it? I have no idea

there miiiight be another shot posted tonight *insert oohs, aahhs, and gasps of surprise* because I got a reallyyyyy fun idea (well at least I think it's good) that I'm reallyyyy excited to write, but idk



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