{ campfire }

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words: 549


Katie absolutely loved Camp Half-Blood's campfires. She had loved them since she came to camp at age nine, and had never stopped.

She loved the warm crackling of the fire, offering comfort to her during some rougher times of junior year. She loved the sound of all the demigod's voices melding together into one jumble of pitches. She loved how at home she felt.

But in the past few months, she had started to cherish the singalongs around the campfire even more.

And she hated that Travis made her feel that way. Their whole relationship seemed so cliché. Enemies to lovers. It didn't help that the whole camp had been waiting for them to get together for years.

She hated how she would blush furiously if he so much as put her arm around her. She hated how he would casually take her hand without a second thought.

But they both knew that she didn't actually hate all the things that Travis did. She loved them more than he could possibly imagine.

So, when Travis sat down beside her on her bench, she found it easy to curl into his side, and entwine her fingers with his. She found it easy to trust him.

Katie didn't like to think she had many talents. Sure, she was good at gardening, but so was every child of Demeter. But other than that, she didn't see anything special about her.

So, when her favorite campfire song started, she found it easy to sing along with the other demigods, assuming that she was as mediocre of a singer as the rest of them. She found it easy to lose herself in the song, pouring buckets of emotion into it with every word she sang. She didn't even notice how everyone else's singing slowly dissolved into nothingness, and how they were all staring at her with shocked expressions on their faces.

She only noticed when they started applauding her, causing her to bury her now beet-red face in Travis's shoulder out of embarrassment.

In an instant, Travis had leaned down and whispered one question into her ear, "You okay?"

She managed a small nod before replying, "Just...no one was supposed to hear me sing."

"And why not?"

"Because I'm not a good singer."

"C'mon, Kates, you're obviously a good singer. But if you want to get away from everyone, you can leave."

Travis fully expected Katie to want to be alone, so he removed his arm from around her shoulders, and let go of her hand.

What surprised him, however, was that she immediately gripped his hand again, and pulled him off the bench with her.

He quirked an eyebrow in surprise, so Katie explained, "Shut up. You help me calm down, Stoll."

"Do I now, Katie-kat?"

"Don't get a big head, Trav."

"Too late for that, Kates."

Katie shook her head softly as she and Travis wandered back to the cabins, "You've gotta stop doing that, Travis."

"Doing what, Katie-kat? Being myself?"

"Saying things that make me want to kiss you."

And with a peck on the lips, she was gone, before she could do anything else that she might regret, only hearing Travis call one thing after her, "You really are a good singer, you know!"

She really loved the campfires.


So....I don't really like this

but I'm still posting it for some reason

hopefully I'll have a better (although maybe shorter) oneshot out later

I'm on summer break from school, which means I should *hopefully* be able to post more! yay! lol



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