{ popcorn }

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words: 383


"Travis!" Katie hissed, wacking her boyfriend gently in the arm as he tried to hide the 'shared' popcorn from her, "I will get my hands on that popcorn, one way or another!"

"Do I hear a challenge, Katie-kat?" Travis asked as he stood up from the couch in their shared apartment, a smirk plastered on his face.

"Always, Stoll," Katie said, smiling as well, as she jumped from the couch and lunged at Travis.

He quickly pulled the bucket just out of her reach, putting his demigod reflexes to use as he ducked under her outstretched arm and rushed to the other side of the room.

"Trav!" Katie turned to face him, hands on her hips, hair a rat's nest, wearing ratty old pajamas, green eyes gleaming with amusement and challenge. Travis thought she had never looked more beautiful.

"Yes, Katie, dear?"

"You realize we're twenty-two, right?"


"And we're behaving like ten year olds, Trav!"

"I'm hearing nothing wrong with this situation, Kates."

Once again he ducked away from her attack, this time spilling some popcorn on the floor in his haste.

This went on for around half an hour, Katie trying...many different techniques to steal the popcorn from Travis, and him protecting it like it was a lifeline.

Finally, panting, Katie collapsed on the couch, "I give, Trav, but that was surprisingly fun."

"What can I say, I'm just a fun person to be around, Katie-kat."

She only rolled her eyes and shuffled closer to him as he wrapped his arm around her shoulders, "Whatever helps you sleep at night."

"Well actually,-"

"Please don't finish that sentence."

Travis placed a hand on his chest in mock offense, "Why do you always assume the worst of me, Kates?"

"Because you are the worst, Stoll. You're the single most annoying person on the face of the earth."

"Maybe, but I'm your annoying person."

"That you are, Trav."

Movie and popcorn squabbles forgotten, the pair sat there, talking about everything and nothing, reveling in the other's presence.

It had been years, and they were both still in awe at how all the puzzle pieces had fit together in their game of life.

Things were finally going their way, and they hoped that each other would be there to stay.


soo...that's....something, I guess

sorry these have been a lot shorter than usual, I've just been in a 'super short and fluffy' oneshot mood lol but hopefully I'll have a longer one out soon

THANK YOU GUYS FOR 1K READS!!!!! this is actually insaneeee this book has only been out for like a week or so ahhhhhhhhhh y'all are so amazhang!!!!



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