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Aria POV
I was sitting on the tour bus wheny phone starts ringing I look to see it says "Kelly". Kelly is my manager so I answer the phone "Aria we need you to come to England to songwrite your album and to do a year round tour." I'm shocked "I can't leave I have Calum and Luke here and I'm already on tour with the 5SOS boys". "Well your fanbase here in the UK is boosting and so you have a choice .to choose between your boyfriend oe your career." "Okay now that's unfair making me choose between my family and friends and my career." "I'm sorry Aria you vpuld make three times the money your making now call me when you know your decision.""No wait can I come see the boys once in a while?"I ask but kind of demand it. "Yes Aria you can it might not be soon though." I hate that I'm gonna do this I think to myself "Okay I'll do it just let me tell the boys." "Okay your plane leaves tommorow night." "Bye Kelly."I end the phone call god this is gonna destroy them all of them Calum and Luke god why did I agree to this??? I walk into the boys at'Lounge Room' "Uh guys I have to tell you something and your gonna hate me"I say everyone looking ate"Cal, Luke you might wanna sit down."I awkwardly say, they do as I say now everyone looking scared/worried. "Kelly my manager called and said I have to go and songwrite in the UK also to start a tour through the UK."As soon as those words come out of my mouth everyone's faces drop Cal is trying to hold it in and I see a single tear roll down Lukes face until he speaks up"So I'm not gonna see my sister no more?"I am now on the verge of tears I slowly nod my head then look at Cal whose is now letting tears flow until he speaks "What about us Aria? How long are you gonna be gone?" "Cal I don't wanna do this but I don't many .tp give up on my dreams either, I love you with all my heart and you know the saying'If you love something you have to let it go' and I would be gone for a year." Cal looks up and says "A year Aria I can barely go a day without seeing you how are we gonna do this?"Cal then gets up and wraps his arms around me pulling me into his famous bear hug. "I don't know Cal but it will be okay." "I don't know Aria I have only been in fine relationship before this and I'm not good with distance."Calum sadly explains. "Well either way we will make it work but I got to go pack." Then I walk out of the lounge room and to my bunk.I finished 'packing' and now I'm cuddling with all 4 guys.

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