Chapter Six: Relaxation Part Two

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"L-Let me go!" I shouted to the creature, carrying me through the clouds.

"No way kid! Unless you want to die. Whoops!" He said and he dropped me.

I was too shocked to scream. As I fell I watched the birds flying through the sky watching me with shock, I felt a hand grab my jacket and I wasn't falling anymore.

"WHAT THE HECK MAN!!!" I screamed.

"Hey hey hey relax. I caught you before you hit the ground." the triangle said, still floating around.

*Dipper's P.O.V*

I walked around the back of the shack avoiding Mabel and Greg. To be honest they were really pissing me off. I walked outside and saw Waddles wandering around, which meant that Mabel would be close by.

I heard a faint scream off in the distance. Followed by, "DIPPER! HELP!" When I heard my name I started running in the closest direction I could find, which was into the woods. I tripped over a few branches on the ground, but I kept running.

"DIPPER!!!!!" Said the voice again. And I could recognize it as Wirts'.

"WIRT!?!?" I shouted.


I looked up and saw him floating. And Bill, was holding him up.

I watched Wirt struggle to get away from him and he did, but he fell. He was falling through the sky until Bills' hand picked him up.

He was an inch from hitting the ground.

"Haha! Your faces are priceless. Well anyway. Pine Tree, give me the journal. And you can have your precious lover over here." Bill said.

"Lover?!" I stammered. "He's not my lover!"

"Oh yeah that's right. You guys are 'just friends' I forgot." He said. When he said Just Friends, he used his fingers to make quotation marks.

"We are! Seriously!!!"

"Whatever. Give me the journal, or else you will never see him again." Bill said smirking.

"No way. I'm sorry Wirt." I said.

Wirt was wild eyed realizing that I had just given him over to Bill. He looked at the mischievous triangle and bit his arm, (the one holding Wirt hostage). Bill let go of Wirt and he ran over to me and held onto me.

"Oh. I was right. Love birds." Bill said. He had a camera with him, and he had been taking a video of this. He took pictures of Wirt holding onto me terrified, and me, blushing.

Bill disappeared, but I could hear a faint whisper, "Give me the journal. Wirt is dying from when he bit me. Give me the journal or he dies."

I looked at Wirt, clinging onto my vest.

"Wirt. W-why did you bite him?"

"It was the one way I thought he would let me go." he stammered.

"Get ready for the mood swings. Just wait, first he will be terrified of everything, that is the first side effect I will give you." Bill's voice in my head said again.

I looked down at Wirt, who had let go of my vest and was on the ground curled in a ball, rocking slowly back and forth, quietly chanting something to himself.

"W-Wirt?" I asked.

He looked at me and I could see his eyes looked, different. Not like a strange different, but a bad different. His eyes looked just like Bills'.

I dragged him back to the shack and I put him on my bed, and he was still reciting the incantation.

"Good night Wirt." I whispered, and I fell asleep on the floor.

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