Members of story.

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Willow- she's little miss perfect. Her life has always planned until she mets the mysterious new girl....
Violet- she is the mysterious new girl who you may have a tiny crush on but she has a past you may not handle.
Leo- he's your so called perfect boyfriend but with  a secret....
Chloe- she is your bestie but she's fake and plastic she's had a lot of work done because her "daddy" pays for it.
"Cole- he is your gay best friend who kind of helps you out with the gay thing he's the only true friend you make.

Mom and dad- there perfect as well... what everyone else thinks anyway your dad is always working and your mother is empty and depressed but puts on a show.

Lastly your twin older than you by... 2 minutes his name is Noah he cares about you a lot but he isn't little mr perfect he isn't popular.

That's the cast other People may pop in but there not as important

Little miss perfect (revamping)Where stories live. Discover now