It may be a happily ever after part 1

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Willows pov
It's been couple of months since that day my parents started making me go to a therapist too help me through my past problems. Me and violet were now living together in are apartment it was a 2 bedroom but the other room was spare because we slept in the same bed. There was only 1 month left for school Christmas has been and gone. My life has been hard I'm recovering but I still struggle but my parents have been there and they try i guess.

It was 1 month until school would be finished I was glad I finished my exams and I did good but I decided I didn't want to go too collage yet. My modelling was doing well I was on the cover of a couple magazines.

"Prom is coming soon" Cole says "mm I don't now If I want too after what happened" I say violet holds my hand. "You have to too" I Violet says "your safe I swear" she adds on. "Ok fine" I say.

"I need too go" I say "what do you mean" Cole says "I have too go to therapy" I say "I'll drive you" violet says violet hasn't left my side her mind is scared I can tell she can't leave me. "Ok let's go" I kiss her cheek. We drive there. "She's a good therapist" I say "she is I can tell" she smiles.

"I wanted my story too end and live happily ever after my life was falling into place. I was getting better." I say too my therapist she looks at me. "So how does your story end" she says "well it ends with me being a very successful model and be married too Violet and I would love too adopt two little children and he happy it sounds stupid" I laugh "no it's not I have a wife and a little girl my wife is named Lydia from the band midnight love and so I am apart of it ( story about her and Lydia are my other two stories)" hazel says "yes I listen too your music when my dad told me you would be my therapist I got a bit too exited" I laugh "me and Lydia went through a lot and I'm happily married too her for around 5 years and also her father didn't like girls loving girls either" she says "what happened too him" I say "he's in prison" she says "oh" I say.

"Enough about me Willow" she says "oh see session is now over enjoy your life" she says "thank you" I say leaving.
"It went well" I say too Violet. "Ok good" she says....

1 month later....
It was the day of prom I was the happiest I've been in a long time. I got ready I wore a pink gown. I go downstairs and my parents, Violets parents, Noah and violet looked at me "you look beautiful" violet says but she was more beautiful her red mermaid dress showed of her body. "You look more beautiful" I say hugging her.

We get too the prom. There was a lot of security. I was anxious Violet held my hand tight. We started too dance there was a slow dance. "I can't believe I've known you a year" she laughs "I feel like I've known you longer than myself" I say "I love you Willow" she says pulling me closer "I love you too Violet" she kisses me.

"So no collage" she says "nope I don't need it my dad and I did have a little argument but he said he can't control me and more so" I sigh. "It's ok love we'll do it together" she says. "Your amazing have I told you that" I say "I think I recall that" she giggles. "There not doing prom king or queen this year because they think it's now bad luck" I laugh "oh well see you sad about that" she frowns "no I'm always glad that I'm alive" I say "good" she smiles.

We danced the night away....
5 months later....
"Nothing bad has happened for a while I'm happy my modelling job is doing good and Violet photographer job is soo NG amazing we are working together and it's amazing." I say too hazel "that's good so neither of you decided collage" she says "nope we both wanted too carry on with what we where doing before" I say "oh and we also have been dating for over a year and we had are anniversary and we both did something funny" I laugh "what" she says.

Flashback too there 1 year anniversary
"So let's give each other presents" I say "ok love" she says "this is something that makes a promise too you and me for one day we will get married and not leave each other" she says I laugh "what did I do wrong" she frowns "I was going too do the same thing" I laugh "what" she laughs "a promise ring" I show her it. "Oh my god" she says "it's beautiful" she says giving me a kiss. She grabs the box and opens it the ring was a little diamond. "That's beautiful" I say.

Back too present
"I give my wife a promise ring but that never happened" she laughs "well I think are brains think a like" I laugh. "You seem to be getting better I'm proud of you Willow" she smiles. "Thank you Hazel see you soon" I smile.

"Willow Amazing news" she says "what love" I say "we have a meeting with are manger today" she says "ok ok let's go" I say.

We get too the office, "big news big news" he says "what is it" I say exited. "You guys are going too Paris" he says "omg I've always wanted too go" I say happily "so why" violet says "because Louis vuttion want the best model and photographer and well they found you guys and found you perfect" he says "so would we live there" I say "yes for a year" he says I look at violet and her face didn't show any sighs of not wanting too do it. "Do you want too" I say "yes yes I do" she's says "well do it then" I say. Are life have changed for ever...

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