Homecoming nightmare

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Willows pov
It was the day of homecoming I got my dress a day before. I stated too get ready.
I put on my turquoise silk dress which had a low cut. I put on my rose necklace. I do my hair and loosely curled it and I do my makeup.

I go downstairs and I see a my beautiful girlfriend she wore a mermaid black dress with little turquoise specks in it she had her short hair straightened and her tattoo on show. she looked gorgeous. "Wow Fairy you look" he mouth drops I blush. "And you look beautiful too" I say giving her a peck so we wouldn't ruin are makeup.

We get too the dance and everything was perfect I helped plan it like I've done every year it helped me get my mind off of things. I smile. "You did Good love" she says we go on the dance floor. "Let's dance" I say giving her a twirl. "Ok ok" she laughs dancing.

We danced for a while and time passes. "Ok ladies and gentlemen we will be announcing homecoming king and queen" are principal shouts "the homecoming king is..... Violet Williams" she says "I'm a girl" she laughs "and the homecoming queen is.... Willow Liu" I go onto the stage.  She places the crown on me and I take violets hand and we dance... then it goes black. "BANG SHOT" I hear screaming I'm knocked out. "STAY WITH ME WILLOW" I hear violet shout.

Violets pov
"BANG SHOT" there goes of a gun I see my love fall onto the ground. Everyone screams other people get shot. "STAY WITH ME WILLOW" I shout tears in my eyes I can't lose you. I see her bother running and we take her too the hospital.

Her parents come running in her fathers eyes were blood shot and so was her mother "my daughter" her mother cries. She runs up to her sleeping body "she's ok the bullet just past anything important" I say "thank you" her father says "so your the girlfriend" her mother tuts "yes I am and I'm sorry this happened it should of happened too me" my eyes start to tear up then I break down I didn't care. "I love her so much I would do anything" I cry "her mother gives me a hug that lead me too shock. "Violet I feel like a fool I've made my daughter not love the person she loved once and i was stupid enough too think I could make her straight and I can tell you love her and this made me realise she is my daughter and no matter what u should look out for her and feel like a fool" he says I smile "tell her that Mr Liu she's missed you all like crazy she is depressed and was worse when that happened" I say he looks at me and hugs me "well come too the family" he smiles

"Violet mama dad is that you" I see her eyes open "my love" I say "ugh careful" she says "sorry" I kiss her cheek "Violet my parents" she panics "no love everything is ok" I say. "Willow we are sorry I've realised that I'm a stupid old man who should've let her child love who she loves" he says he face goes bright and her eyes have happy tears "thank you I'm glad" she says and kisses me. "Ok visiting hours are over" the doctor says "ok thank you sir" I say.

I leave the room so does her parents. "Who did the shooting" I say "the person who did the shooting was Leo" the mother says my face turns into shock

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