Everyone likes her

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Chapter 7
Willows pov
I woke up with her still in my arms "vi" I whisper "morning love" she smiles "shit you now what I remembered my bother who took him home" I laugh I grab my phone "ok he's fine Cole gave him a ride" I sigh of relief.

"Do you want breakfast beauty" she kisses my cheek my face blushes. "Um I really don't mind" I smile "I'll make pancakes" she smirks "my favourite" I say "same" she laughs "ok let's go downstairs" she says. "Oh morning sweeties" her mother says drinking a coffee.

"Good morning" I smile, "morning ma" violet says grabbing the ingredients for pancakes. "Want me to do anything fairy" I say. "Sure um why don't you make us coffee" she smiles, "ok" I say she points too the cupboard I make the coffee. "So why do you call my violet fairy" her mother asks "because the name violet reminds me of a fairy book I used to read"I smile.

"Well isn't that sweet" she smiles "breakfast is served" violet says "thank you" I smile. We all eat breakfast her mother was a lovely person I could tell after a while me and violet went upstairs "what do you want to do blondie" she smiles at me "I don't know fairy" I say "let's go too my favourite coffee shop" I say "sure want to borrow more clothes" she smiles looking at her wardrobe. "Sure" I say.

Violets pov
I give her some clothes "want me to turn around or" I say. "It's fine I've got a bra and stuff on like you said we should be confident with are bodies" she winks she takes the hoodie of her beach tanned skin from the summer was perfect everything at her was. I wanted too kiss her body up and down. I bite my lip slightly she looked up and smirks and puts her clothes on I quickly get changed. She comes up too me I was sitting on my bed, she wraps her legs and arms around me and just huggedme her body intoxicated me of the smell of  citrus from her perfume made my heart flutter.

She kisses lips and then pulls away "could I borrow some makeup" she says softly. I took a look at her wearing a pair of my black ripped jeans cuffed then one of my band t shits she put it in a knot to make it cropped her heels from last night matched the outfit well. Her messy blonde curly hair flipped from one side her skin was perfect little freckles popped up she reminds me of those surfer girls you'd see in a movie. "I don't really have any make up you can use" I frown I hardly wore makeup bare some eye liner and dark lipstick she couldn't use them of course. She frowns slightly then she grabs her bag and opens it.

She has some gloss and mascara "always remember too bring these just in case" she laughs too herself "any trainers in there you feet will fall off" I laugh "oh no it's fine I'm used too it I'm just taller than you now" she frowns. "Ok let's go beautiful" I say after she does her mascara and lipstick.

I drive too the coffee shop. She blasted music loudly and sang her heart out "you've got a beautiful voice" I smile at her she laughs slightly. "Thank you" she blushes.

Willows pov
We got too the coffee shop, it's always been my favourite, I was friends with all the workers they were lovely and a old woman who would come here everyday around this time. "Hello mrs D" I smile at the woman "hello Willow darling and who's this" she smiles at me and violet "violet" she smiles "beautiful girl she is" the woman smiles. " see you soon ok Mrs D" I smile at her she waves.

"Who was that" violet says confused "just a lonely woman she's lovely and has always been so sweet" I smile. "Hey Bella" I smile at the girl taking coffee orders.
"Hey there Willow want your usual" she smiles "yeah sure and what do you want violet" I say. "I'll just have a latte thanks" she smiles. "Sure coming right up that will be $5.28" she says "ok I'll get it" I smile at violet "no it's fine really" she says a bit late "too late fairy" I say.

We sit down with are coffees "it seems you now everyone" she laughs "oh god I don't we live in New York but this cafe is like my place Bella and Luke work every weekend the lady comes here everyone morning around this time and I always come here on the weekends and after school" I smile hoping I don't sound crazy. "Your adorable" she says my face goes red. I get a text messages "oh dear my mum needs me for a gala" I sigh "it's a Sunday" violet says confused. "Yep but we always have it around this time shot i forgot" I sigh "want me to take you home" she says disappointed.

"Sure but do you want to come too the gala I need to buy a dress and stuff first" I say "will your parents Mind" her words sounded worried. "If I say your my friend I guess" I sigh "I'm sorry I hate I have to pretend with you" I frown. "Hey it's ok love I'll wait" she smiles "thank you I don't deserve you" I say. I text my mum saying me and my friend are buying dresses.

We finish are coffees and then we go shopping. "Oh I love this store let's go" I say excitedly. "Ok ok" she laughs "this dress is beautiful it would look amazing on you vi" I say. "But what's under it will look even better" I whisper in her ear. "I like the sound of that love" she says into my ear making my spine shiver.

"I'll try it on maybe you can come into the changing room with me" she whispers. "Violet" I say. We walk into the changing room and locks it. "I want to kiss you everywhere." She whispers "do it" I say without hesitation. She starts too kiss my neck up and down I wrap my legs around her body not breaking are kiss it was passion you couldn't describe.

Violets pov
She wrapped her long legs around my body i kissed her tan neck up and down when I reached her lips I couldn't describe the feelings I had.

We break away, "you should probably try the dress on" she says kissing my cheek. My shirt was off on the floor I grab the dress and put it on I look in the mirror my body wore a long black dress with a low cut v neck. Willow looks at me and smiles "you look beautiful" she wraps her arms by my curves. "This would be are 3rd date really" I laugh. "Usually that would be my first kiss with you but." She laughs "go try on your dress" I say she pulls on a pink silk dress long and with a v long cut too. Her body was perfect. She smiles at me.

"You look wow-"I stutter out. Her face goes bight red. "Let's get them then" she says as she gets changed. I bite my lip her confidence was something that made me go wild.

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