Frist date gitters

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Chapter 3
Willows pov
It's been a couple of days since the party, Leo and Chloe I haven't seen thank god.
I had history today I was exited I got too see Violet. I sat down next too her "hello beautiful" she whispers "hello fairy" I smirk. "Can I have your number" she whispers I start to write my number down. "Here fairy" I smile "thank you blondie I'll text you details for are date" she smirks "it's not a date" I smirk. "Whatever helps you sleep at night" she smiles.

I go home and I get a text.

I smile at my phone how cute but it wasn't a date we are both girls

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I smile at my phone how cute but it wasn't a date we are both girls. But it was my minded wondered. I get ready I put on a black dress and a leather jacket my jacket had flowers on it. I wore high heels with the same type of flowers too. I go downstairs."on a date with Leo" my mother says "no a friend the new girl violet" I say she wasn't a friend you don't kiss a friend.

"Ok sweetie" she says "ok bye ma" I say.
I drive too the Luna restaurant I see her outside her dark short hair she was wearing a red dress with a jacket but wore dc martins and fish nets she wore makeup this time dark lips and eyeliner.

I get out of my car "hey blondie" she smirks "hello fairy she takes my hand and I remove it. "Sorry" she frowns. I look at her and grab her hand. "You know what I don't know what I am not I like you so who cares" I say that and squeezes my hand.

We sit down, "this is my favourite restaurant" I smile "I've been here once and I liked it" she laughs. "So why did you move" I say "well I lived in LA and moved too New York because I was bullied" she says the last part under her breath. I frown "I'm sorry" "people don't like gay people" she frowns.

"So tell me why did you expect my "date"" she says intrigued. "Because your the nicest person I've met bare Cole and my brother" I laugh "refreshing" she smiles "also your beautiful" I say under my breath. She smirks. We eat are food.

"Would you like too go somewhere" i say "sure I walked here so is it ok if you drive" she smiles "sure it's fine" I drive the dirty was big but sometimes you can find a quite place I liked this place for a while. I drive too my favourite place. It was a garden which was always quite no one would show up here.

"It's beautiful place" Violet says, "it's my place to go when I need to clear my head" I take a breath looking at the beautiful flowers blossom trees but a beautiful sunset. "This place is as beautiful as you Willow" she smiles.

I take her hand and I squeeze it she wraps my hand round her. I snuggle into her. We just look at the beautiful garden at this moment I knew this was right.

Violets pov
My arms wrapped around her, she took me somewhere special too her. I felt warm inside she was definitely someone who was hard to open up. But her in my arms felt right....

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