secrets out

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Chapter 4
Willows pov
a couple days later. It was lunch. "Im throwing a party tonight" Cole says "great boo" I say. "Cool dude" violet says she started to hang with me and Cole she was chill and Cole likes her and so do I.

"So what time give me the info" I say "7 babe" he says "great great you coming vi" I give her puppy eyes. "Fine only for you love" she says "ew homos" I hear Leo says "shut up short arse" violet shouts "oh sorry didn't want to upset little miss NOT so perfects girlfriend" he smirks "do me a favour Leo leave your not important anymore" I snap.

"She is my girlfriend" I blurt out. "Am I now" she whispers "shush" I say. "Oh the homo has a lover cute can't wait too tell your mother and father" he smirks and leaves. "So she's your girlfriend"  Cole smirks.

"I'm sorry" I say. "I was planning on asking you on a second date then maybe ask you to be my girlfriend but your fast" she smirks I bite my lip. "We've already kissed" I smirk "wait what ladies" Cole says "right anyway" Violet says.

"I want to kiss you willow so much" she whispers "buy me a drink first" I smirk. "There's a party tonight babe so you'll see" I wink. "Down" she smirks

I get home and change into turquoise two piece dress and heels. Violet was picking Me up "bro I'm going too Cole's party wanna come violet it giving me a lift" I shout "sure why not" he walks downstairs.

"Ok let's go" I say "hey fairy my brother came along" I say getting into the car "sure ok hey I'm violet or fairy" she giggles "ok I'm Noah the least favourite twin" he sighs "Noah shut up" I say.
"It's true" he whispers too violet. "I like you" she laughs "and my sister doesn't stop talking about you" he laughs "oh look Cole's house lets go" I say.

We walk into the house I grab violets hand. "Should I get you a drink blondie" she says "yeah sure I'm going to find Cole" I kiss her cheek. Her face goes red.

I go find Cole, "boo" shout "willow babe" he says "this party is great dude" I say "thanks you" he laughs "here's your boo" he smirks "getting me a drink" I blush.
"She likes youuuuu" he says trying to annoy me. "Dude stop"I laugh. "Ok ok there she is near Leo why is he here" he says walking up too them.

"I don't think I invited you" Cole says unimpressed "just leave Leo" I say "why should I" be laughs "it's my party" Cole "leave now Leo before you regret it" Violet says "oh I'm so scared we'll if I'm going to regret it I may as well tell you what happened at the end of 7th grade and what happened that summer also" his words made my heart sink. "How do you-" I stutter. "I know everything Willow" he laughs "don't you dare" I shout.

"Violet your little girlfriend has kissed a girl before yeah your not her first female kiss oh and she went to a gay camp for little boys and girls who need to straighten out" he says evilly. I just stood there tears in my eyes. Then I ran I ran too my car and cry.

Violets pov
I couldn't believe what her parents did too her I felt disgusted and sad she ran as fast as she could. I don't run after her first I punch Leo in the face, then i run after her I see her in her car crying her eyes out. This girl isn't perfect far from it....

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