Own it

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Chapter 15
Willows pov
I walked into this school like I owned it because everyone knew I did. I hold violets hand and faked my confidence more than ever. "You ok" she whispers "yes" I say quickly. She squeezes my hand.

"Ok so people are voting for homecoming queen for Friday today so I need too have a good imagine I've won everyone I've done" I say "your a Quinn frabery of this school arnt you" she laughs "I'm not" I frown "sure ok" she laughs "I knew I shouldn't of let you watch glee with me" I say "well it's a amazing show" she laughs.
"Ok let's go" I say "ok Quinn" she giggles "I'm sorry I'm a Brittany" I say "and I'm Santana" she says "yes" I peck her lips.

"We have history let's go" I say "my favourite" she winks "don't you dare do what you always do" I say sitting down in class. She touches my thigh. "Oh so your doing it" I smirk "obviously" she whispers. "Your the death of me fairy" I say "I'm glad" she smirks. I hold her hand and squeezes it.

After classes we go to lunch. I finally see the person I missed the most my brother "Noah" I give him a hug. "Hey sis" he smiles. "How are they" I say "can't stop talking about it" he frowns "oh" I put on a strong face "hey I miss you" he says "I miss you too" I frown "I've got too go ok but I'll see you soon" he says "yeah sure bro" I say he goes.

Violet walks over she wipes a tear from my eye and gives me a kiss. She hugs me. "I miss him vi" I cry "it's ok" she says "let's go too the bathroom" she says I follow her and she fixes my makeup "how did I get so lucky to have someone by my side" I say "I see us both as angels too help are pasts" she says giving me a kiss on the forehead. "Let's go too class beautiful" she says I smile.

The rest of the day was a bust I didn't do much just try and listen too the teachers. I go to violets house of course and I go into the kitchen. "Oh hello" her mother smiles "hey I was wondering if I could cook for you all as a thank you I know tonight is the days violets father is home" I smile "sure sweetie but you'll need to do some shopping" she smiles "sure ok" I say

"Fairy we need to go shopping" I say "food clothes what" she laughs "food" I say. "Ok you cooking If you are thank god my mother can't cook" she laughs "I CAN HEAR YOU MISSSY" her mother shouts we both laugh.

We get too the shop, "ok I'm making cottage pie" I say "ok let's get the stuff" she says "oh no" I say "what" she looks around "it's your mother in a shop" she laughs "yeah with are maid because last time she forgot her soy milk" I laugh "wow that was I'm rich in different language" she laughs "ok ok hide she'll flip" I say "or she isn't the one who will hurt your heart" she says "shit she's seen us" I say "kiss me" I say "what" she says "just do it" I say she kisses me. "Mm ok I needed that and she's gone" I sigh of relief .

After the shop "it's the end of November which means Christmas is close" I frown while cooking, "and you'll spend it with me" she says "I just hope" I sigh.

Violets pov
Her blue eyes were sad and empty sometimes there showed happiness but rare now she didn't have a spark bare that moment she saw her brother. "She was cooking and her face studying the food cutting the food. "Your beautiful" I mutter. "What fairy" she says "your beautiful" I say louder. Her face blushes.

"I love you" I say "I love you too" she smiles it may be stupid saying I love you too someone a lot but no one did too me so it made me feel better. Like I needed it because I've never felt love

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