Maybe she'll fall off her thrown

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Chapter 2
Willows pov
Leo took me home. "Why don't we go into your room" says "urm sure" I say. We walk upstairs. He kisses me "Leo" I say trying to break away. He starts undressing me. "Leo stop" shout I push him away "WHAT THE HELL LEO" I shout. "Babe I thought you wanted it that dress was so short come on" he smirks "get out" i say "no" he laughs "sis what's going- you little what did you do too her" Noah storms in.

"I said leave Leo now or you'll regret it" I shout "it's not over you'll see I'll get laid some other way maybe your bestie" he smirks "do what you want Leo I never loved you so leave" I shout and kick him out. "You ok sis" Noah says "I'm fine but I need to look hot for this party" I say. "Ok then sis" he laughs "wanna come everyone is invited it's the new girls party" I say "sure" he says "cool be ready in 2 hours" I say

I go into the shower I scrub my skin a lot I felt so violated I wash my blonde hair. I get out of the shower and I look at myself. I start too cry. I never cried but this time it was serious I never thought he'd be like that but I don't think I ever had feelings for him. I felt more goosebumps for a girl I only just met than a boy I've known my whole life.

Maybe I am gay I've found girls always so gorgeous but them guys I didn't care for that much. While I over think I do my makeup. I put on a red dress and high heels. And put on a leather jacket. "Come on willow" Noah shouts "I'm ready I'm ready" I say. "Ok let's go" he sighs

Cole texted me the address of the house. We all lived in a expensive area but when I saw her house I was interested what her family was like. I walked into her house everyone was there. "COLE BABE HEY"I shout "HEY BOO" he shouts. "IM GOING TO FIND CHLOE" I shout "sure hun" he says

I walk into a room and I see it which made me feel sick. Chloe and Leo having sex "what the fuck dude" I shout. "Omg hun I'm sorry he just looked so hot"chloe says "oh it's ok hun from the looks of it he is only small anyway enjoy" I say walking out "oh and also don't talk to me again" I say.

I go on to a balcony I just sit there tears in my eyes I cared but didn't there both good for each other, both fake and plastic. "Who's there" I hear a familiar voice. "Violet" I say. "Yes this is my favourite spot of the house" she sits by me she sees me in the light. "You've been crying" she frowns I wipe my tears "god I'm sorry I hate when people see me cry" I laugh.

"Don't be. Crying can help sometimes" she says "I was crying because well my idiot boyfriend tried too have sex with me I rejected him then he has sex with my so called bestie which I'm pretty sure has been happening for a while" I sigh. " oh so fake boobs and short ass" she giggles I laugh with her "yes but I also never had feelings for him really it was like a family thing but I don't even know if I like dudes" I open up. "Really" she smirks.

"I'm gay and my parents didn't Believe me but then when I kissed a girl I knew" she says "I've kissed a girl" I whisper. "Really" I say "long ago" I say "how did it feel" she says coming closer. "Good I loved her but.." tears coming down my eyes.

She comes closer she lifts my chin up and looks at me. Her dark hair and eyes are beautiful. "Your beautiful" she whispers. She kisses me I've never felt like that before. I break away. I look at her in shock.

"What are you doing" I say scared "I'm sorry  I thought we had a moment" she says. "It's ok I've never felt like that before I'm confused" I say I start to hyperventilate "breath in and out in and out" she says.

She takes my hand, "I'm "little miss perfect"I laugh "what do you mean" she giggles, "that's what I am everyone expects me to be perfect they want me to be a lawyer go to Harvard I don't even want to go to collage man I want to become a actress or and model" I say.
"You good at it" she says "duh of course I've acted to like Leo for 4 years" I laugh.

"I feel like your dad is a big business man and your mum is the one who used to put you in pageants" she laughs "how did you now that" I laugh. "Wait really" she laughs "yes I stopped at 14 I hated it" I sign.

"So you feel better" she says "yes thank you" i smile "but I'm sorry I've probably rewind your night" I frown "no it's fine your better than those fake people" she smiles. "I'm the leader of those fake people been since middle school" I laugh. "You shouldn't fall of your thrown" she laughs "maybe I should" I sigh.

"Would you like too go out sometime" she smirks "sure fairy" I laugh. She hugs me. "Let's go too the party" I say. "Ok" she smiles.

Violets pov
She was very real person little miss perfect she used. She was perfect but that's not a compliment too her. It was her life and I liked that about her. She was beautiful and smart but something about her past made me drawn too her....

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