Keep her safe...

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Chapter 13
Willows pov
It's been 3 weeks since my birthday my parents haven't seen me and that's a good thing. My dad is struggling with a case and my mother just doesn't bother and follows him around everywhere.

This means me and Noah have been home alone, which means Violet and Cole are always over. It's break so there's no school. I was glad everyone was treating me differently ever since they found out I was gay which I didn't understand why.

Me and violet have been dating two months and my parents haven't found out which I think is going too end up badly in the end...

"Willow Noah" Violet shouts "we are in the kitchen" I shout back "something smells nice" Cole says "we made drum roll please" I say making a drum roll sound on my knees "curry" I laugh "is the chicken cooked" Violet laughs "yes yes" I laugh.

"Ok let's eat" I say I scoop the curry into the bowl. "Ok this is good" violet says "mmm ok I'm good at this" I laugh "ok well done boo" Cole says "hey I helped" Noah frowns "cutting the chicken that's it" I laugh "ok and.." he laughs.

Violets pov
We finish the curry. "I'll do the dishes" I say "I'll help" Noah says "oh ok we'll be in the living room" Cole says me and Noah started too do the dishes. "Hey Violet can I talk too you for a second" Noah says "sure N" I say "you care about my sister don't you" he says "obviously Noah I love her" I say "good she loves you too but is one day you don't hear from her go too this address that's were she most likely were they will take her" he says and gives me paper with a Address on it" I put it into my phone case. "Thank you but why" I say confused "because they'll lock me up too for a while but take Cole but protect her for Me I have a gut feeling something bad will happen soon" he takes a breath.

"I'll look after her even if it's the last thing I do" I say he smiles "thank you violet your a real soul" he says. My mind couldn't stop thinking of what he said. I would make sure nothing will ever happen too her no matter how hard I try...

Willows pov
I overheard what they were talking about. It kept playing in  my mind how they both thought I would end up going too that place again but I didn't blame them it's played my mind longer than people should know.

Cole soon felt and Noah went into his room and me and violet went into mine I was quite the conversation made me angry for some reason I hated that I couldn't look after myself. "You ok you've been quite" she says with a frown. "I heard your conversation with Noah" I mutter. "Ok he's trying to protect you" she says "yeah but don't you think I can look after myself I'm a big girl" I say "yes but what would happen Willow if you disappeared I can't live without you I have nothing else in this world anymore" she says her eyes have tears in her eyes "you need too trust me ok I'm not going to leave you" I say "I love you so much Willow" she cries "hey why are you crying" I say patting her back "because if I lose you I may think of doing it again" she says her face turns into regret.

"Don't you dare say that" I say I wipe her tears away. She kisses me. "Never leave me" she whispers into my ear as she hugs me. I laugh slightly "I'm not going too fairy" I say squeezing her. "I love you Violet" I say "I love you too no matter what" she says...

She kisses me every time she did, it felt like she was scared it was her last. Soon enough she holds me and snuggles me on my bed. I fall asleep into her arms and so did she but we didn't realise we messed it up this time.

"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON" my father shouts "GET OUT GET OUT OF MY HOUSE BOTH OF YOU I NEVER WANT TOO SEE YOU TOO AGAIN" he shouts "FINE I RATHER IT" I say. I packed my bags quickly violet helping then we left. I took as much money out of my credit card I could.

And i smashed my phone dramatic but I didn't want him too track me. We get too violets house and her mother and father were sitting there. My eyes were full of tears "hey violet what happened too willow" her mother's says she tells them everything.

Even her fathers face looked disappointed. "You'll stay with us" her father says I was shocked. "Wait really Dad" Violet says "yes this girl couldn't live under any other roof bare her girlfriend I can tell she isn't any harm she can live in the guest bedroom or your room" he says "thank you so much" I force a smile.

We go into Violets room. "Your brother knew it" she says "ok but that's scary" I say "he texted me saying they are asking him questions but he isn't saying anything" violet says "good but I need sleep I feel like I could sleep forever" I sigh putting a hoodie and shorts on.

I wipe my makeup off and see my blood shot eyes. She wraps her arms around me. "I'm sorry" she frowns "it's ok Violet it's not your fault"I say she gives me a kiss on the cheek. "Ok let's sleep" she yawns. I snuggle into her I hoped this time I could sleep instead of my parents forever hating me.

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