Snob of a family

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Chapter 8
Willows pov
We get too my house to get ready I ran violet up stairs and get into a robe. "Willow" my mother shouts "yes mother" I shout back "I want to met your friend" she shouts "ok mother" I shout back for the last time.

"Be good violet" I say giving her a quick kiss "depends if you stop being so hot" she smirks "shh come on" I laugh. We walk down stairs I will regret this.

Violets pov
I walk downstairs into Willows living room I see her mother she was a bit shorter than Willow and she looks like she's had work done on her face and body her long blonde hair like Willows and blue eyes too.
"Hello mrs Liu" I put on a fake smile and fix my hair slightly. "Hello violet" she says she wasn't warm she reminds me of what my mother used to be like. "Mother violets father is also a lawyer and her mother is a housewife" I could see in Willows eyes the all she wanted was approvel. She looked at me up and down I wasn't really the best looking at that moment my hair was messy I was wearing joggers and a t-shirt she looked at my tattoo my nose ring. And tutted.

"Oh really a lawyer and a housewife how lovely my husband is a very successful lawyer and well you see I have my own beauty company" her voice was sarcastic. I wondered how she made such a wonderful son and daughter. "Oh really" I say not interested. Willows eyes looked didn't look as confident as before I frown at her slightly. "We better get ready" she says quickly pushing me along. "Sure Willow" her mother says.

Willows pov
embarrassed I felt my mother couldn't bother be nice to my "friend" or too me girlfriend. I was so angry but of course I couldn't say anything. "I'm so sorry violet" I was upset. She looks at me her dark eyes gives me comfort, she laughs slightly "I can't believe your you and there that" "your amazing" she carry's on.

My face goes red and she kisses my cheek "let's get ready love I brought my makeup" she smiles. So that's what we did. I got ready I did my makeup and my dress I layered gold necklaces too match the v neck and wore gold heels. I saw violet in her dress she wore a deep red lipstick and a sliver chain her tattoo of a dragon and her septum definitely didn't go well with my mother but I couldn't care.

She was the idea of perfect for me her short straight hair was golden brown in the light. I curled my blonde hair and sigh. "You look like a princess" she says wrapping her arms around me. "And you look like beautiful" I say "now let's go my lady" she says acting like a dork.

We walk downstairs. "A pink dress Willow you wore a pink dress last time and silk I swear too god if you get food on it" my mother rants I try and hold my tears and put on a fake smile. "Where's Noah" I say "he's already with you father they went early so they could great people" she sighs. "Are driver will drive us" she says "you have a driver" Violet whispers "it's my mother's she doesn't drive" I say "oh" she giggles.

We get too the gala all snobby people look at me and have there fake smiles on. "Behave" my father says.

Violets pov
I met her father. Tall man with blue eyes and dark hair that's what Noah's hair was too. "Behave" the only words he said too his daughter. From afar I could see Leo "code ex boyfriend" I whisper "shit I forget her goes too these" she sighs "I'll sort him out" Noah says. "Ha he still has the bruise"I laugh they both laugh. "Ok let's hide" Noah says I follow him and willow.

They go Into a room. "We always go here to get away from the snobs" willow sighs "So why do you go to these things" I asks "because fairy are parents" she says. "And because of free food which I've already nicked" Noah says with a hand full of sandwiches "thank god im starving" I laugh taking a ham sandwich.

Willows pov
"I wish I could ask you too dance" she says "do it" I say "there's no music in this room and I wouldn't be able too do it there. "Maybe you could" I say "Willow I'm sorry love but I'm not risking it yet ok I want you too not go too a turn straight camp" she says "wait she knows damn sis  you must like her" my bother says. "Fine dance with me here then" I say I stand  up and I take her hand. And I put her hand on my waist and we danced Noah put music on.

Then he disappeared, "god willow I'm trying hard not to kiss you right now" she says. I let go and lock the door. I move closer too her. "Maybe now you could." I smirk. I stroke her back. she kisses me "oh Willow" she muttered. I could hear my parents I push away and look in the mirror and sort my makeup and quickly unlock the door I sit down and violet does the same "come down" my father says "of course" I say.

"That was hot and impressive" she whispers, "not my first time with trying to hide stuff I've done drugs" I whisper. "You serious" she laughs "one word Cole" I laugh "I think I need to see badass Willow more" she laughs. "Ok ok back too normal I'm little miss perfect conversation" I laugh.

I ended up not hating the night it was good until Leo came over too reck it all "hello little miss perfect and her so called friend" or laughs "do you want another bruise" Violet snaps "oh chill it out dragon" he smirks "it's weird I like that name" I laugh "but I don't like you" I laugh "so leave" I say walking away.

I left the building "he angers me so much" I shout "ok love calm down" she says we were in the garden area of the house, it had roses around the garden I look at them, "this is a beautiful garden" I say taking a breath. "Sounds cheesy but red roses are my favourite" I laugh "I'll note that love" she smiles.

I snuggle my head into her collar bone "you calmed me down with just being here" I laugh. "Maybe that's a good thing" she says. We just sit quietly holding hands.

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