The aftermath

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Willows pov
My body hurts but my heart was warm I was happy my parents liked violet and excepted us. It's been a couple of days since the shooting they wouldn't tell me who did it. Violet hasn't left my side she wouldn't leave. "You need sleep" I say too her " no i don't" she frowns "sleep in the chair" I frown "are Manger and Abi and Mia gives you all the love and can't wait too see you soon" she says "I miss modelling" I sigh "everything will be back to normal soon" I say "I'll just be Another school shooter survivor" I say "how many died" I say "3" she frowns

"Omg" I say "who was it tell me" I beg "your parents told me not too say" she says "why" I frown "because it may affect you I'll tell you tomorrow after you get out of hospital" she says. "Fine ok" she frowns "I love you" I say giving her a kiss "I love you too love" she says kissing me again she strokes my hair. "Never leave me" she whispers "I'm a fighter I would never" i giggles. She kisses my forehead then my father and mother come in. "Hello" my father says "how you doing sweetie" my mother says she never had a nickname for me. Which I found odd she started too do it now.

"I'm doing good I'm just exited too have things back too normal" I say "like going home are home" my father says " I don't think I want to go home I think I want to have a apartment" I say "with who" violet looks confused "you, I was planning on asking you soon I have enough money from the modelling so rent split would be fine" I say "Ok let's do it" she kisses my forehead. "We'll let you do it" My father says "thank you thank you" I say "come give me a hug" I say he frowns and hugs me "thanks dad" I say "well help with the payment" he says "no no it's fine we both have jobs at a modelling agency" I say "how much does it pay" he says " 2,000 every time we do a shoot" I say "that's some good money" my brother says "ok" he says.

The next day it was my leaving day. "I'm so happy I really can't stand being in the same room all the time" I say "good thing we are leaving" violet says. I pack my things then we leave the hospital and get to my home. "Wellcome home" everyone shouts "omg guys" I say there was Cole my brother and both me and violets parents. "This is lovely thank you but I need to know the truth" I say "who started the shooting" I say "sit down" violet says holding my hand.

She didn't let go of my hand. "The person who did it was Leo" my father says "what" my mind was in shock "why how what" I say in disbelief. "He had some mental problems then when he found out two girls were homecoming queens he got angry he had a gun and he is schizophrenics he's now in jail" he says my mind was in shock I've known him all my life.

"I can't believe it he killed 3 people and hurt so many others" I say "I need to be on my own" I say I go into my room I haven't seen it in a long time but it didn't matter I jumped into my bed and I just fell asleep I didn't have any energy.

Violets pov
She ran upstairs I waited a while then I went up she was sleeping I frown at her. She looked peaceful. I kissed her forehead then I lay by her. "I love you" I whisper. "I love you too" she whispers back. I kiss her on the cheek She kisses me on the lips and up my neck "you just got shot" I say "doesn't mean I can't kiss you and" she kisses me again.

She starts too kiss every part of my body up and down. She comes up too my lips and I start too kiss her neck again. Some time later. "Mm im tried let's sleep" she says "ok" I give her another kiss "I could or lost you" I frown "you didn't and your not going too" she says kissing me again. At that moment I knew I could never lose her even if it's the last thing I do....

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