What have i done

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Chapter 9
Willows pov
It's been a couple of weeks since the gala nothing happened really. I was in history class with Violet. "I did something for you" she whispers in my ear, "did you buy me ice cream" I whisper back she softly chuckles into my ears. "No I booked you a modelling gig" she whispers "what OMG Violet your amazing" I hug her. "Ladies shush please" are teacher shouts "I'll tell you at lunch" she says I nod

I couldn't stop thinking of it at lunch "tell me what you did" I say eating a sandwich. "Ok so the photos I took of you that time in the garden well I sent them into a magazine and they want you too be the cover of it and do some other modelling here's the number and email and I'll help you out" she says "omg Violet your amazing" I kiss her I didn't think and everyone saw.

"Omg what did I do" I say "it's fine babe take a deep breath" she says I Ignore it I just walk out, my eyes filled with tears I messed it all up I thought my mind blurred I cared about her so much why couldn't I be with her. I see her running after me I sat under the bleachers she comes under and comforts me but also Cole and my brother running after her.

"You ok love" she says rubbing my back "of course I'm not  Violet" I snap. She frowns "I'm sorry" I tear up. "Sis you ok" Noah comes up "oh willow" Cole comes over at this moment I realised that these are the only people who truly cared about me.

"We are turning 18 soon Noah we should get a apartment" I say wiping my tears "or you could live with me for a while" Cole says "or me" violet says "I can't be with are parents Noah they'll turn me into something I'm not and I'm done with them so much I'm not there little miss perfect anymore I'm done" I say "live with me" Violet says "I think If people start saying I will" I say "but I'm not being a lawyer I swear too god" I say "and I'm not letting you" Noah says

I kiss violet, "thank you all" I say. I try and get though the classes and I get home, "there not home" Noah says "like  usual" I sigh "great for us" he laughs. "I'm going to sleepover violets I'm going too pack some clothes don't wait up bro" I say "ok sister" he says.

I pack my bags and go to violets "hey Izzy" I smile, "oh hey sweetie Violet can't stop talking about you" she winks I laugh slightly. "She's upstairs right" I say "of course" she smiles I walk upstairs. I walk into her room there was dozen of roses in her room and rose petals everywhere.

And she was there beautiful as ever sitting on the bed my eyes filled with tears I run up too her "your amazing I love you" I blurt out why did I say that god I'm stupid we've known each other for a month. "I love you too" she smiles I kiss her.

Violets pov
"I love you too" I say my heart fluttered she loved me no one ever said they loved me before not even my parents her eyes sparkles she kisses me at that moment I realised she loved me truly...

"Could I tell you something" I say "what" she says while snuggled into me. "No has ever said they love me before" I take a breath "not even your mother now" she frowns "your the first" I say "well get used too it because I'm going to say I love you too you any chance I get" she kisses my cheek. "I love you" I say. "Love you too" she kisses my cheek.

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