First love maybe a second?

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Chapter 5
Willows pov
I just cried I don't know how long but I felt arms wrap around me. I knew it was violet the smell of her perfume vanilla intoxicated me she squeezes me tight. "You're ok no one headed"she says softly. "I'm shocked your here right now" I say rubbing my tears away and look into her dark eyes.

"If it makes you feel better I punched him for you" she chuckles "thanks" I says weakly. "Want me to drive you home" she says "no I don't think I can face my parents right now I've tried to forget about that summer that kiss everything" I say.

"Want to tell me about it" she smiles I take a breath "sure you drive then" I say. "Where" she says "the garden it will make me feel better" I say. She starts too drive. "Ok I better start, there was this girl named Cleo she was a beautiful girl and I had a bit of a crush on her, she was amazing and singing and dancing and she would sing too me all the time. One day I told her my feelings and she had the same feelings for me I was so happy, but one day we kissed and the teacher told both or are parents they were both so angry my parents made me go to that camp I don't understand why I needed straightening out I thought it was fine to love who you love but that summer I didn't see her and well" I take a breath my eyes tearing up again we got too the garden I get out of the car and sit on the bench.

Violet follows me and takes my hand and squeezes it. "She killed herself" I burst out crying I've never told anyone this not even Cole, "her parents hated her and she got bullied All summer she thought I hated her too because my parents said I didn't care about her anytime she tried to visit" I say "I'm so sorry willow that must of been so-" she stops. "The suicide note i kept it" I say I grabbed it out of my pocket. "It may sound weird but I kept it because it meant so much she didn't hate me really which gave me some what of peace I guess" I say.

Violets pov
" dear Willow,ma, da and school members, you may hate who I am or who I love. I don't regret kissing her but I'm depressed lonely never have the love I want. I want to go too the one place that will let me be who I am, heaven..
willow If you are reading this I will always love you and I hope someone will as much as I do one day. I hope the pain will go away... bye world" I read this letter my eyes tear up reading she truly only wanted to be happy I look at Willow her heart has been lost since 14. I hug her, her tears make my shirt wet and her makeup got on it but I didn't care.

"My parents managed too keep my
Reputation as the "straight girl" they wanted the teachers too never mention what happened and told everyone I went to my aunties all summer and everyone soon forgot about her." she says taking the letter. "I visit her grave every month" she says "could I come with you next time" I say.

She smiles "your sweet" I come closer "I think your so special" I say she giggles "how" she says. "You just are you opened up too me" I say taking a breath. She kisses me it was different like the first time it was like she was scared too lose me I pull away. "I think I need to tell you the real reason why I left LA....."

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