Violets past....

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Chapter 6
Willows pov
"I think I need too tell you the real reason why I left LA" she takes a breath, "what is it" I smile at her she pulls her sleeve up I never realised she always wears long sleeves I see her arm a massive dragon tattoo I look at it closely I could see scars over the tattoo "did you because of" I couldn't get my words out.

"I was depressed very depressed, my parents are never around I had no friends and people didn't like me because I was gay which I find so stupid but me being sad I did this for months and months then one day I just wanted to end it so I cut deeper but it failed my mother she came and saved me,after that we got close my dad had a new job better payed better place New York my mum she's a housewife so she doesn't work but she likes fancy shopping and friends but now she's home a lot and trying  too be there for me I have a therapist who is trying to help me that summer then I was here all summer trying to get better and I got this tattoo when it heeled so it could cover my past self funny thing is I had really long hair I chopped it off and that's my story" she takes a breath.

"I tell me one thing violet" I say "what" she says pulling her sleeves down, "do you regret not dying" I say wiping her tears away. "I'm glad I survived really I am my mum shows me more love now she understands my life style but also I met someone who I now care about" she says with a little smirk, "oh really who" I smile "yes you" she says. "Violet thank you for telling me" I say "and thank you blondie" she kisses my cheek.

"We should go" I say, "want to come to my house not in a weird perverted Way I swear" she laughs "sure I'll text my parents saying I'm staying in Coles" I say "do they know her gay" she ask "oh god no they'll make his parents do what they did too me" I laugh. She laughs "I love his parents there amazing" I smile.

We drive too her house "will your mother not mind" I say concerned "oh wouldn't mind don't worry" she smiles "ok" I say.
"Hey mama" violet shouts, "hey violet" she smiles beautiful woman dark long hair and tall she reminds me of her beautiful daughter right by her she's had some work done but not too much. "And who's this sweetie" she looks at me she sees my makeup all smudged and my red and sore eyes and see that violets shirt has makeup all over it but she doesn't question it.

"This is Willow she's my girlfriend I guess she's has a very hard night and well she can't see her parents like this" she sighs her mother looks at me sees my blue eyes which now look red and sad "of course" she smiles drinking her wine. "Ok thanks mama see you later" she smiles at her mother "thank you so much mrs Williams" I smile weakly. "Oh call me Izzy" she says "ok" I smile.

I go upstairs into violets room it was white and fresh with little green plants. "Your room is cute" I smile. "Thanks love" she smiles I blush at those words "hey so I've known each other for two weeks and told each other are stories so would you like too be my girlfriend" I take a breath.

Her face goes red "oh blondie of course" she smiles. "Here are some of my clothes"  she smirks "plus of you being taller and a bit buff they'll be big and then it would be like a cheesy romantic movie" I laugh "your the only girl who is one inch taller than me" she laughs "I'm sorry I'm 5"9 and your 5"10" I giggle "go get changed love" she says "turn around" I say "oh ok" she smirks I pull my clothes off and put on her jumper and shorts they were baggy and comfortable. "Ok turn" I say.

"You look adorable" she says coming closer "you can kiss me if you want" I smirk "ok maybe is Will-" she kisses me. "You go get change fairy" I say. "Ok ok love" she says "I'll turn" I say "oh I don't mind I'm proud of my body" she smirks "oh well I'm not minding the show" I smirk.

She takes her t-shirt off her golden skin, there was no flaw on her body bare her scars on her arm which was covered by her dragon tattoo. She pulls on a hoodie and then shorts I bite my lip her body was beautiful.

She craws by me in her bed. "I'm glad you told me the truth" she smiles "Same fairy" I say giving her a kiss she wraps her arms around me and pulls me in. "Goodnight beautiful" she says "good night fairy" I say. Her holding me feels right god her sent was covered all over the area.

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