Chapter 26

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Lance's POV

Going into the arch was part of the plan, but what occurred afterward was not.

Let's start from the beginning. Keith and I went into the arch ready to fight even more Galra soldiers and liberate their prisoners. We weren't ready to be met with no opposing forces as the cells were left unguarded.

"Are they really this cocky into believing no one would make it past the guards?" I asked Keith, feeling a bit better knowing no one was going to attack us at the moment. Yet he hadn't relaxed since entering the arch, observing everything with reasonable suspicion.

"Where are they?"


Knowing not to doubt when my element tells me to duck, I threw myself over Keith as a blade was thrown our way, feeling the breeze from the moving object move my hair. It hit the wall behind us, right at head level to us.

Keith and I went back to back, circling to see where that mysterious blade came from. Yet neither of us could pick from where the blade came from. Deciding we didn't have much time to find the source and complete our mission, we hurriedly checked the cells to begin releasing people. Although no further altercations occurred, that didn't stop us from being on edge with everything we saw.

The first cell I came to was one filled with around a dozen small creatures that I can best describe as a more adorable version of a toad. Seeing me, they recoiled on instinct, assuming I was there to hurt them.

Speak to them, I'll translate for you.

Thinking that was one of the coolest things, I began quickly telling them about our mission.

"I'm a paladin of Voltron. I'm here to rescue you, not hurt you. Is there more of you here?" Understanding I was no threat to them, they shook their head and said that they were taken from their planet as the last of their kind. It was saddening news, but one I couldn't dwell on as Keith returned saying that they were the only prisoners there.

Realizing our mission was complete, I froze the bars on the cell until they were fragile enough to break through. They all got out of the cell, waiting for us to tell them the next step, when another blade appeared right into the gut of one of the newly liberated prisoners, killing them instantly. Pushing them back into the safety of the cell, Keith and I readied our stances for a fight with the mystical foe.

"Come out you coward! Show yourself!" Keith yelled into the void. No response, yet both of us knew to duck as a pair of small daggers once again appeared, missing all but one of the creatures who fortunately only got grazed on their arm. Knowing they wouldn't be safe out in the open that way, I created an ice wall to prevent them from being hurt more.


Yeah blue, thanks for the heads up. Continuing to attempt to find the invisible knife thrower wasn't getting any easier, but all I knew is that those prisoners and Keith would make it out.

*Guys, are you almost done with the mission? We've been discovered and we have to go!*

That warning followed by the sound of gun fire indicated that it was time for us to depart. I told Keith to make a hole through the ice and tell the people to go towards the exit while I covered him. He began with that process as I moved around the room, building up enough time for our escape. Yet as if knowing their entertainment was leaving, the invisible threat became visible and stood right in front of me, knife under my throat.

The threat was dressed in a haggard appearance that ultimately helped me deduct that she was the witch Lotor told us about that could predict important dates. The action caused Keith to attempt to lunge at her, but she spoke a small incantation and I felt a shiver through my whole body.

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