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The twins returned from solving the mystery of the missing pies. As Mabel entered the house, she seen Bipper watching tv. She rushed outside while pushing Dipper.

"Dipper" she whispered. "there's another you inside the house."

"There's a what?" Dipper said, confused.

"Another you."

Dipper realized what she'd meant and froze. Was it his reflection? Is that what he'd summoned? He needed to find out.

Dipper grabbed his pen from his vest and started clicking it. He sat down on the porch.

"We can't let Stan see both of us." He started.

"But he knows about all this paranormal stuff." Mabel said.

"Just in case."

"In case of what?"

Dipper didn't even know why. He just thought it was best for Stan to not know about it."Mabel, we'll only tell him if we need to, k?"

"Mmmmmm....." Mabel looked away, then looked back at Dipper. "k."

"You get whoever's in there to our room wave at me from above then I'll come."

Mabel went inside. "Hey Dipper? Can you come upstairs?"

Bipper jerked his head towards Mabel, he got up and crept closer. He got so close Mabel had to back up.

"Okay, sis." it hissed.

Mabel rushed past him, then walked up the stairs like she usually would.

Once they were both upstairs Mabel locked the door and went to the window.

She waved at the real Dipper. He waved back and tiptoed upstairs. Luckily Stan didn't notice.

Mabel unlocked the door so Dipper could come in. They locked the door again.

Bipper looked back and forth at Dipper and Mabel.

"Ok, who are you and why do you look like my brother!" Mabel half-yelled as Dipper looked through his journal for the page in his dream.

He flipped the same number of pages. The page was torn out!

All of a sudden Bipper shot a blue flame at Mabel. He missed, but it was enough of a distraction so he could jump out the window. He landed beside Wendy, who was hanging outside for her break.

That was weird because she usually takes her breaks on the roof.

Bipper did his best Dipper voice which wasn't hard he sounded like him before. This time he really tried.

"Wendy!" He said frantically

"Woah, what happened?" She asked, concerned.

"There's a shapeshifter or something after me! a-and he had Mabel on his side!" He said perfectly.

"A shapeshifter?" Wendy hated shapeshifters ever since one changed to look like her.

"Hold on Mabel!" Wendy yelled as she ran upstairs. Bipper took this chance to get away.

When Dipper opened the door to chase his look-alike, Wendy jumped on him, pinning him down.

"Mabel, run!" Wendy said frantically.

"What? No!" Mabel yelled.

"Wendy, calm down." Dipper said.

Wendy was still on him. "Then why are there two of you?"

"We don't know yet." Mabel said.

Wendy got off of Dipper.

"Where did he go?" Dipper asked, getting up.

"To town, maybe?" Wendy replied.

"Oh no." The twins said at the same time.

Bipper strolled into town. He started playing with the blue fire he made from his hands.

Some people were giving him weird looks, he glanced back at them and made his eyes red. They'd run away and he'd laugh.

He loved this.

"You seem to be enjoying yourself." A voice from a dark alley said.

Bipper went into the dark alley and time froze.

Bill stood in front of him. "You're enjoying yourself... but you don't even know who you are."

Bipper laughed. "Do I need to?"

"Ha ha, I like your carelessness." Bill said. "but aren't you at least curious?"

Bipper shrugged.

"My name's Bill. Call me when you are." He didn't know how to manipulate this guy. He thought he did. He'd have to watch him more.

Note: Check in the comments for information on Fanart I need for chapter 14! Bewarb! There will be spoilers! Chapter 14 should come in around the December 27, 2014.

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