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Dipper was sleeping on his bed. After that fall everyone was worried as was watching him twitch, kick and flinch in his sleep. Everyone wondered what he was dreaming about.


Dipper was in the attic, alone.

"I've come to claim my end of the bargain." Bill said as he appeared with a cloud of smoke. "Like I promised, the journal will not say the creature you will summon is dangerous."

"Okay so, which one?" Dipper asked, pulling up his journal.

"This one." Bill said as he handed a piece of paper to Dipper.

"I thought it was gonna be in the journal." Dipper said.

"Nope, the journal will just not say it's dangerous, and if it's not in the journal then it can't say it's dangerous." Bill said.

Dipper examined the paper. "Are these-" He got interrupted.

"Dream Hounds? yes, it gets lonely in the mindscape y'know?"

"O-kay....." Dipper said before he began reading.

Although he knew it was a bad idea, a deal was a deal. He had to keep it.

Once he finished reading the incantation, 3 menacing hounds as dark as night appeared in a puff of dark grey smoke.

They circled around Dipper until Bill whistled somehow. The hounds sat in front of Bill.

"Nice to see ya again guys." Bill said as he pet his dogs.

Bill stopped being nice once he remembered Dipper was here. "Fetch" Bill said softly.

The hounds raced to Dipper. One bit him on his right leg and he woke up.


"Dipper!" everyone yelled.

Mabel gave him a big hug.

Dipper's head pounded. "What happened?" he said.

"You made a deal with Bill" Mabel said.

"I made a deal? oh yeah." He said.

There was a piercing pain in his right leg. When he looked at it, it was bruised.

"So what were you dreaming about?" Wendy asked.

"Oh, I-pffft yeah I-I can't remember." He lied.


Stan was in his underground study.

"Deal with Bill? I told them to stop messing with the paranormal and what do they do? Make a deal with a dream demon. DREAM DEMON!" Stan put his head to his hands.

He started looking in the journals. "There needs to some way to make these kids Bill-proof."


"Hehe.... w-where ya taking me?" Bipper said, starting to get nervous.

"Where you'll spend the rest of your summer." said Sherrif Blubs as he got to the station.

Durland led Bipper, who was in handcuffs to the cell where he'd wait to go to jail.

"Locked up?" Bipper asked, not liking the idea. How's he supposed to cause havoc from a jail cell?

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