Very minor issues: Ch.14

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Time had not started yet.

"Your first target is Dipper Pines, second, if you want, Mabel Pines. She's less of a threat, but if you want you can." Bill told Bipper.

Bill started time again.

Dipper appeared from almost nowhere and shot green fire balls at Bipper.

Bipper had to dodge as he threw... very scary blue fire balls with... purple streaks of lightning?

Dipper wasn't expecting to see this. He managed to dodge, the fire balls only singeing his hair. Bipper's hair looked singed too. Weird. Dipper didn't even get close to hitting him... yet.

The power surging from both of them boosted all of their abilities. All meaning: all but your ability to think straight.

It was throwing and missing back and forth until...

"Dipper!" Mabel called from a distance away.

Dipper, like a fool, looked in Mabel's direction and waved. Waved. As Bipper finally hit him with a fireball.

They were both knocked away. Mabel was with Wendy and Soos, who broke Dipper's fall.

It had been 6 minutes. Dipper got up and was about to run to Bipper, until he fainted.

"We need to get him to the shack!" Mabel yelled.


All that was left of Bipper was the medallion that Bill picked up.

"So much for that." Bill said as he disappeared from the scene.

He was somewhere in the forest now. He looked at journal page marked 'Summoning a being created of once bonded souls.'

He and Dipper were not bound anymore. He left. They have to both inhabit the body at the same time.

Bill crumpled up the paper and threw it away. Minor issue. Very Minor. I will just have to... replace him maybe. Bill snapped his fingers and was gone to claim his end of the bargain.

As Bill and Dipper left, Bipper knew he was safe to cause mayhem around the town. Hey, Bill took the medallion back, so the deal must be off.

Yo, it's me again. Leavin' another note.

Congrats to no one for winning the Fanart 'Contest' thing! XD

So instead of reading all of the winner's stories and giving them shout outs.... I will tell you that I am working on an Ice Prince adventure time FanFic, a 2nd monster falls and I'm posting Reversed, a reverse gravity falls fan fic.

So yeah. Next time I leave an update I'll tell y'all what I have in store for the future!

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