Breaking Free

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Bill rode on his hound, still in Dipper's body. He zoomed to town he got off his dog and attached it to a yellow leash he pulled out of nowhere.

He started heading towards the museum.

"Hey! Didn't we arrest you already?" Deputy Durland hollered from the other side of the street.

"Ya know what? I think we did." Sheriff Blubs agreed.

Bill got a little closer. "Arrest me? What did I do?"

"You attacked an officer, and last time I checked that was a criminal offence." Sheriff Blubs said.

Bill widened his eyes. Was Bipper still alive? How had he disappeared? How hadn't he known? Just another minor issue... what grand, spectacular thing could Bipper do that could change his plans?


Bipper scratched an incantation into the ground.

They were at the outdoor gym.

Bipper quietly summoned a being in secrecy.

"You guys get the distraction ready, while I talk with my guy."

KillBone and the others threw around equipment and got other inmates to fight as Bipper's 'guy' drove through the gates with a giant truck.

The doors opened and the four got in, Bipper making a huge poof of smoke as they left.

Bipper was in the driver's seat. One of the inmates let Gideon off his back.

"Thanks friend." Gideon said.

Everyone started celebrating.

Bipper drove into town. He almost ran over some police dudes that were talking to some kid, and almost ran over a group of familiar people.

"Why are you directing so much attention to us?" Gideon asked.

"Don't worry about it, I got this." Bipper replied. He crashed into a bunch of cars parked in the mystery shack's parking lot.

"Come in." Bipper said as he led his cell mates into the shack.

After they all went in, the truck continued driving, leaving the police not too far behind it.


A truck almost ran over Bill.

"To the Police car!" Durland shouted as he and Blubs ran to the car and began their chase after the truck.

Bill looked at the truck that was driving away in the distance. That could've ended badly

Before Bill knew it, Dipper took over again. "GGRRRRAAAAAGH" Dipper screamed in pain.

Even though he got a few stares, he commanded the dog to let him ride it... and, surprisingly, it listened. Dipper, with great pain began to ride back to the shack to warn the others.


"Is that Dipper?" Wendy pointed out.

They were all about to split up and search for him, but there was no need for a search.

Dipper stopped right in front of the group and got whipped off the giant dog.

"Dipper!" Pretty much everyone said.

"Are you okay?" Mabel asked.

"What's up with the dog?" Soos asked.

Stan gently put a crown of garlic on Dipper's head, hoping somehow it would drive Bill away. Hey, he'd try almost anything now to protect his great niece and nephew.

Dipper struggled to get up. Mabel noticed the dark stuff beneath Dipper's skin on his hands as she was helping him up.

Dipper closed his eyes and put his hands to his head. With a sudden burst of adrenaline he got up and held Mabel's shoulders and said. "Go to the shack!" He looked at the others. "All of you!"

"What?" Mabel asked.

"B-Bill a-a-a-and..... " Dipper's voice died down as he collapsed.

He whistled and the dog scooped him up. Dipper's eyes were yellow.

"I'd listen to the lil' pine tree if I were you." Bill laughed as he rode away on the beastly dog. He'd need a certain weapon before he got to the Pines family.

It would completely crush him.

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