What happens next [epilogue/endnote]

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After defeating Bill, or at least 'till next summer. Bipper lived with the twins' Grunkle Stan.

Bipper learned what it is to be human, what common curtesy is and what right from wrong is.

The police eventually 'found' 'Bipper'. Or at least that's what they think. Stan, not wanting to have trouble with the cops, handed over a photocopy of Bipper.

(Watch the episode double dipper to understand.)

Stan also explained he was taking care of 4 twins. 3 of which were boys and had similar names, oh and Mabel.

Surprisingly the cops bought it.

The twins' and Bipper solved mysteries together. Bipper eventually became someone they could trust.

Bipper hated being apart of Bill. Part dream demon. He never used his powers. In fear they'd make him like Bill.

Claiming to be completely good now, Bipper is still mischievous and will steal if and when necessary.

When Mabel and Dipper had to leave for school Bipper cried. He didn't want them to leave.

As the twins' left Bipper watched t.v with his Grunkle. (not exactly his but he still calls him that.)

He eventually made friends, and began a normal life. With the occasional mystery hunt of course. He ended up marrying a girl named Clover, one of his friends.

His dream became to one day run the shack, heh after Soos of course.

With this he was happy. Even if the twins' wouldn't return for years.

Occasionally he'd get the 'I'm always watching' in his mind. Guess that's just a part of being the enemy of that one eyed nacho.

The End.

Note: MWAHAHAHAHA!!! I am a genius. Clover is my OC who heh, is in one of the books I'm writing. heh heh heh ha hwa ma HA HA HAH HAHAHAHHA MWAHAHAHAHA!

The picture above is of me writing the first chapter of the best gravity falls fanfic I'll ever write.

Edit: Pic has been removed for personal, secret reasons.


Anywhay, hope you enjoyed and thank you for reading! I'm sorry it had to end! This was actually I think the first Gravity Falls fanfic I wrote... if not the monsters within was.

Either way thank you.

~I'll always be watching.
Nol- what? you want to know what happened to the twins'? what happened to everyone else?

Heh, maybe I'll tell ya....... Another time. In another book maybe? In my grown-up gravity falls I may mention Bipper and clover.... or maybe it will be about them! who knows.

~I'll- What now? Ooooh you want to know more about clover? how they met? what happened? *laughs hysterically* Belladonna is your only hint.

~I won't tell you more,
Nolcat.... or will I?

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