Infectious Jaws and Making Plans

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It hadn't even been a day and Bipper hated it there. It was so boring.

It had been a few hours when Bipper realized something. He had to get out. This place was terrible.


During spare time, Bipper noticed Gideon and the rest of the people in the cell would play patty-cake and talk about their feelings.

One of the inmates -a super muscly guy- walked up to him.

"Hi my name is Killbone what's yours?" He asked.

"Why such a personal question?" Bipper asked.

"For an invitation for our sharing circle."

"Sharing circle?"

"Gideon says it's good to share information on yourself to others, to earn their trust and friendship."

"Sure I'll join." Bipper said.

Killbone clapped his hands then went back to the circle.

Gideon was sure softening these guys up.


"We should probably find him." Dipper said.

"Definitely." Mabel agreed. "You should take today off though."

"What? Why? I need to find him Mabel. I'm not hurt, I can come." Dipper said, desperately wanting to go. He got up too quickly, then he fainted due to an intense head rush.

Dipper woke in a clearing of a foggy forest. He looked behind him and seen two scary black dogs staring at him and growling.

Where was the third one? Where did it go?

Dipper ran the opposite direction and the dogs chased him and he felt the intense pain of a bite in his back.

He woke to that pain being all too real. He couldn't scream it hurt so much. He could only roll out of bed and hope someone heard the thump.

The pain started to stop and only sting a bit. Dipper dragged himself to a mirror, thank goodness his reflection was normal.

He sat up and turned his head to the side to look at his back. There were no bite marks or blood, but there was something that was far worse.

A big part of his back-where he felt the bite- was an extremely dark purple and looked like it was rooting in his back. Branching out and growing bigger.

Dipper looked at his 'bruise' it was worse than before and looked like it was starting to branch out as well.

Dipper was sweating and breathing hard, and freaking out in general. Those dream hounds must've done something when they bit him... but what? Either way this purple infection this was spreading, and couldn't have been good.

In bed, his spine tingled as he gritted his teeth and clutched the blanket. The pain was unbearable. He could feel his body fighting this unusual infection, but it seemed it was losing.


Almost ready... Bill thought to himself. Plan C was working perfectly.

The deal that Dipper made Bill a few weeks ago made Dipper special. For Dipper's body was the only one Bill could posses.

Gentle leading and nudges didn't work, neither did dream hypnotism... so he could just destroy him and make sure he doesn't mess with any of his plans.

When summoning someone who he hoped would destroy Dipper didn't work, he used the opportunity to start a new plan... plan C, possessing Dipper using brute force, with the help of some pets.

Having a material body is always a plus.


"I would like to share something." Bipper said waving his hand. He was now a part of the sharing circle.

"What would you like to share?" Gideon asked.

Bipper looked outside the cell to see if any guards were there. Then he started whispering. "The escape plan."



okay so... I ended up scrapping a whole part of this chapter explaining something that I realized was cool, but completely unnecessary, so that's why this chapter is kinda short.

Another note: Check out my other stories blah blah blah.........

OH! I'll also be working on Forbidden Frost which won't be as sick and twisted as another thing I'm working on.... A story inspired by: Maddog12345678's story, Destroy Cipher

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